Ανασκαφικό Αρχείο Αλών
Subseries I.1: Field Notebooks and Measurement Books
Subseries I.2: Inventory Cards
Subseries I.3: Plans & Drawings
Subseries I.4: Photographs, Negatives & Lantern Slides
Subseries II.1: Reports, Notes & Correspondence
Subseries II.2: Study & Publications
Collection Number: GR ASCSA ExcRec 011
Name of Creator(s): Hetty Goldman (1881-1972); Alice Leslie Walker Kosmopoulos (1885-1954)
Title: Halae Excavations Archive
Date(s): 1911-1931
Language(s): English
Summary: The excavations at the site of Halae in Lokris were conducted by Hetty Goldman and Alice L. Walker (Kosmopoulos) from 1911-1914 and in 1921, 1923, 1931. In 1921 Piet de Jong made the drawings of architectural details and the general plan, while in 1931 Goldman and Walker were assisted by Virginia Grace. Renewed excavations took place in the 1990s as part of the Cornell Halai and East Lokris Project (CHELP) under the direction of John E. Coleman. The Halae Excavations Archive contains excavation notebooks, reports, plans and drawings, photographs/lantern slides & negatives, correspondence and records associated with the study and publication of the material, such as inventory cards and manuscripts of publications.
Quantity: 2.55 linear meters
Immediate Source of Acquisition: ASCSA Excavation Records; Bryn Mawr College (2007, 2015); and John Coleman (2017)
Information about Access: The collection has been catalogued and is available for research
Cite As: American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Archives, Halae Excavations Archive (Αμερικανική Σχολή Κλασικών Σπουδών στην Αθήνα, Αρχείο Ανασκαφών Αλών)
Notes (1):The catalogue was prepared by Leda Costaki in 2017
Notes (2): Material in Boxes 11, 12, 13, and 26 was received from John Coleman, May 2017.
For more information, please contact the Archives at:
The American School of Classical Studies at Athens
54 Souidias Street, Athens 106 76, Greece
phone: +30 213 000 2400 (ext. 425)
Contact via E-mail
Halae, a small ancient town in East or Opuntian Lokris, is situated by the sea on the eastern shore of the bay called in modern times the Bay of Atalante. The site falls within the boundaries of the modern town of Theologos. The earlier excavations have shown that Halae had a fortified acropolis in classical times which continued to be occupied until Late Roman or Byzantine times and that extensive Neolithic deposits underlay the classical ones. Two hundred and eighty tombs of Archaic, Classical, and Hellenistic date were also excavated near the outer boundaries of the town to the north and east of the acropolis.
The excavation at the Acropolis of Halae (Halai) begun in 1911 by Alice Leslie Walker Kosmopoulos and Hetty Goldman, continued as a joint enterprise until the outbreak of World War I in 1914. Goldman returned alone three times since Walker-Kosmopoulos was unable to join her. Further campaigns took place in 1921, 1923, 1931, and 1935. In 1921 Piet de Jong made the drawings of architectural details and the general plan, to which such parts of the circuit wall as were later excavated have been added, partly by de Jong himself, and partly by Ann M. H. Ehrich. In 1923 about four weeks of work saw the completion of the sanctuary area and additional excavation at the North-east Gate. In the spring of 1931 a campaign of five weeks was devoted chiefly to the prehistoric area underlying the temple square but served also for study and to uncover further details of the fortification. In 1931 Goldman and Walker were assisted by Virginia Grace.
The twenty years which elapsed between the initial campaign of 1911 and the final one of 1931 were in part years of war and upheaval in Greece, but the delay in completing the work at Halai was due as much to personal as to political and economic reasons. The campaigns from 1911 to 1914 were described in a preliminary report, and the inscriptions discovered were published separately. Goldman and Walker both completed doctoral dissertations on finds from the tombs excavated in the first four campaigns. No preliminary reports for these campaigns were issued, although Goldman published a few finds from the acropolis. Although the work of 1911-1935 was never published in full detail, Goldman eventually produced a long and invaluable article summarizing the Greek and Roman finds on the acropolis and co-authored another on the terracotta sculpture from the tombs. Robert Bridges has been studying the Neolithic finds from the earlier excavations. In 1988 and 1989 the Greek Archaeological Service excavated several dozen additional tombs to the east of the acropolis, while an intensive surface survey was carried out in 1988/1989 co-directed by John E. Coleman and William M. Murray as part of a long-term regional archaeological survey and excavation project, the Cornell Halai and East Lokris Project (CHELP). The overall aim of CHELP was to record and study the archaeological and environmental evidence for human activity from the beginning of the Neolithic period until Byzantine times.The Greek and Roman finds from the earlier excavations were deposited in the Archaeological Museum in Thebes, the Neolithic finds in the National Archaeological Museum in Athens.
The Halae Excavations Archive is organized in two Series (Series I & II). All excavation records, such as excavation notebooks, inventory cards, plans and drawings, photographs/lantern slides and negatives are catalogued under Series I. Series II contains all material related to the study and publication of the excavation, such as reports, manuscripts of publications and correspondence.
[After Goldman in Hesperia 9 (1940), 381-514 and Coleman in Hesperia 61 (1992), 265-289]
Walker & Goldman 1915
Walker A. L. & H. Goldman, "Report on Excavations at Halae of Locris," AJA 19 (1915), pp. 418-437
Goldman 1915
Goldman H., "Inscriptions from the Acropolis of Halae," AJA 19 (1915), pp. 438-453
Goldman 1916
Goldman H., "The Terracottas from the Necropolis of Halae" (diss. Radcliffe College 1916)
Goldman 1930
Goldman H., "Some Votive Offerings from the Acropolis of Halae," Festschrift für James Loeb, ed. F. Bruckmann, Munich 1930, pp. 67-72
Goldman 1940
Goldman H., "The Acropolis of Halae," Hesperia 9 (1940), pp. 381-514
Goldman & Jones 1942
Goldman H. & F. Jones, "Terracottas from the Necropolis of Halae," Hesperia 11 (1942), pp. 365-421
Walker 1916
Walker, A. L., "The Pottery of the Necropolis of Locrian Halae" (diss. University of California, Berkeley 1916)
Quinn 1996
Quinn, K.M., "Late Antique Halai: a study of the Roman and Byzantine remains at the site of Halai, Greece, as recorded in the field journals of Hetty Goldman and Alice L. Walker" (Unpublished MA thesis Cornell University, 1996)
Subseries I.1: Field Notebooks and Measurement Books
Box 1
Original notebooks
Folder 1
- H.G. [Hetty Goldman] Book I (1911) Halae (May 10-June 6): original handwritten field notebook of H. Goldman; between pages a newspaper clipping (The New York Times Nov. 28, 1961) announcing Gladiators’ gym found in Rome.
- A.L.W. [Alice L. Walker-Kosmopoulos] Halae Journal 1911 (May 9-25, June 3, 4-7, 9): original handwritten pages cut from field notebook.
- 1 loose page with details to check from journals, handwritten.
Folder 2
- Hetty Goldman Halae by the Sea, Sept. 1913, Vol. I, Field Book (Sept. 22-Nov. 18): original handwritten field notebook of H. Goldman.
- Hetty Goldman Halae by the Sea, May 1914, [Vol. II corrected to] Vol. V (May 20-June 20): original handwritten field notebook of H. Goldman.
Folder 3
- H. Goldman Halae 1923 (& 1931) (Sept. 17-Oct. 20, 1923 & June 12-July 16, 1931): original handwritten field notebook of H. Goldman, containing inventory of vases from the Acropolis (p. 58 ff); in fragile condition.
Folder 4
- V. R. Grace Halai 1931 (June 12-July 20): original handwritten field notebook of Virginia Grace, containing journal of excavation, pottery analysis and diagrams; loose pages with notes and one contact print in back pocket.
Folder 5
- Black notebook contains notes on graves, terracottas and vases; initials M.H.L[oveman] on spine; very fragile condition, cover torn.
Box 2
Original notebooks (continued)
Folder 1
Halai Necropolis, 1912
- original notebook of H. Goldman with “Tables showing character, condition, corpse and contents of graves in Halae Necropolis 1912”, graves 47-196
- original notebook of H. Goldman with “Tables showing character, condition, statistics of corpse and contents of graves in Halae Necropolis”, graves 197-274; many blank pages.
- small envelope (empty)
Folder 2
- original notebook with “Inventory of Graves 1911”: marked on cover “No Importance” and lighter in pencil “Graves, Coins, Inscriptions”; graves 1-9; also includes inventory of Terracottas 1923 and inventory of inscriptions, no inventory of coins.
Folder 3
- “Pot Profiles from Halae”: original notebook of H. Goldman with drawings of pottery, glass and lamps and parallels of pottery from Thespiae.
- “Notes on Parallels”: 3 pages of H. Goldman’s handwritten notes from Wace and Thompson Prehistoric Thessaly, “Proxeny Decree I”, Montelius O. La Civilisation Primitive en Italie (Halae terracottas), Hoernes M. Urgeschichte der bildenden Kunst (“Idols”) in prpeparation of the publication of the Halai cemetery.
Folder 4
Books of measurements
- “Measurements H. G. 1912 II”: H. Goldman’s original handwritten field measurement book of 1912; loose piece of tracing paper with sketch drawing of wall.
- “Halae Measurements of Some Blocks – probably left in Museum – Not Important”: black original handwritten notebook including a list of objects in the Apotheke (inscriptions, bags of pottery); many blank pages.
Box 3
Typed transcripts of notebooks
Folder 1
- unbound typed transcript of H.G. Book I (1911) Halae field notes (May 10-June 6): “H. Goldman annotated manuscript”.
- unbound typed transcript of A.L.W. Halae Journal 1911 (May 9-25, June 3, 4-7, 9, Nov. 1, 1912): annotated with interleaved blank pages and page for November 1, 1912.
- bound typed transcript of A.L.W. Halae Journal 1911 (May 9-25, June 3, 4-7, 9): blue carbon copy, also containing Halae Journal 1912 (April 20-May 13, May 22/23-June 1, June 3-20, June 27-28, July 16, Nov. 1) and black carbon copy of Sept. 22, 1913, annotated with interleaved blank pages.
Folder 2
2 sets of copies of typed transcripts for Excavation Notebook I & II (1911):
- Book I (May 9-28): typed transcript, blue carbon copy, annotated; pp. 1-32, with tracings of notebook drawings pasted on left side; two first entries on p. 1 mislabeled 1912 instead of 1911; fragile condition with edges of pages worn.
- Book II (May 29-June 3): typed transcript, blue carbon copy, annotated with tracings of notebook drawings pasted on left side; fragile condition with edges of pages worn.
- “Excavation Notebook: Halae of Locris Book I, 1911” (May 9-28): bound typed transcript black carbon copy labeled H.G., but probably A.L.W. (W1), pp. 1-32, without tracings of notebook drawings; objects marked WI.page #.object # refer to this book; two first entries on p. 1 mislabeled 1912 instead of 1911.
- “Excavation Notebook: Halae of Locris Book II, 1911” (May 29-June 3): bound typed transcript black carbon copy labeled H.G., but probably A.L.W. (W2), pp. 33-46, without tracings of notebook drawings; objects marked WII.page #.object # refer to this book.
Folder 3
- Book IIΙ (April 22, 27, 29-30, May 2-4, 7-11, 13-14, 23, 25): typed transcript, blue carbon copy, annotated with occasional tracings of notebook drawings pasted on left side; probably A.L.W. (W3)
- Book IV (May 29-June 2, June 4-8, 10-15, 17-19, 27, July 1): typed transcript, blue carbon copy, annotated with tracings of notebook drawings pasted on left side; probably A.L.W. (W4)
- Book V (July 3, 5-11, 16-18 & Engelberg, Sept. 6): typed transcript, blue carbon copy, annotated with occasional tracings of notebook drawings pasted on left side and list of numbers of graves on p. 27 ff (Engelberg, Sept. 6); probably A.L.W. (W5).
Folder 4
- “Halae 1912, Book 1, only graves, H. Goldman manuscript” (April 22-30, May 1-24): unbound typed transcript black carbon copy, annotated with sketches & drawings in ink; only graves (graves 48-128).
- “Halae 1912, Book 2, only graves, H. Goldman manuscript” (May 29-July 6): unbound typed transcript black carbon copy, annotated with sketches & drawings in ink; only graves (graves 136-279).
Box 4
Typed transcripts of notebooks (continued)
Folder 1
2 copies of typed transcript (one blue, one black) of A.L. Walker’s field notebook:
- Halae 1913 (Sept. 22-Nov. 18): unbound typed transcript, blue carbon copy, annotated.
- Halae 1913 (Sept. 23-Nov. 18): unbound typed transcript, black carbon copy, annotated; first two pages missing (entry for Sept. 22).
Folder 2
- “Halae, Field Book, 1913” (Sept. 22-Nov. 18): unbound typed manuscript, annotated with sketches & drawings in pencil and ink; written on the cover in pen: “Location of Sem I on p. 85. Important for location of Trenches. Plan & Location of Γ trench p. 94.” On the right in pencil: “H. Goldman transcript.”
- “A. L. Walker 1913 Note Book,” and “Halae,” “A. L. Walker, No. 8 1913” written on the folder (Sept. 21-Nov. 18): unbound typed transcript of the excavation notebook of Alice L. Walker (Kosmopoulos) different from the field notebook in Folder 1; annotated with sketches in pencil, mostly field notes and lists of finds; including three loose pages with tables of finds in ink.
Folder 3
- “Halae, Fieldbook, 1914” (May 20-June 20): unbound typed transcript of H. Goldman’s 1914 field notebook; annotated with sketches & drawings in pencil and ink; written in pencil on the cover page: “H. Goldman manuscript.”
- Halae 1923 (Sept. 17-Oct. 20): unbound typed transcript of H. Goldman’s Halae 1923 field notebook; annotated with sketches & drawings in pencil and ink; no preserved cover; xerox copy of transcript included in folder.
Folder 4
- Halae 1931 (June 12-July 20): unbound typed transcript of V. R. Grace’s Halae 1931 field notebook; annotated with sketches in pencil.
- Halae 1931 (June 12-30): unbound typed transcript of V. R. Grace’s Halae 1931 pottery analysis notebook; annotated with sketches in pencil.
Folder 5
Typed transcripts of books of measurement
- Halae - Book of Measurements: bound blue carbon copy of typed transcript of books of measurements (1911, 1912, 1913) (H.G. and A.L.W.); from Grave 155 on it is a black carbon copy; annotated with handwritten additions/corrections and occasional sketches & drawings pasted.
- some duplicate pages (black carbon) and blue carbon measurements for graves 47, 61, and 62 from another source.
Folder 6
- “Measurement Book Halae of Locris VI 1912”: bound black carbon copy of A.L.W.’s typed transcript marked “Copy for the American School of Classical Studies at Athens” (references to W6-page #).
- “Measurement Book Halae of Locris VII 1912-1913”: two bound black carbon copies of A.L.W.’s & H.G.’s typed transcript; one copy has sketches drawn in ink, the other copy is marked “Copy for the American School of Classical Studies at Athens” and has no drawings (references to W7-page #).
Subseries I.2: Inventory Cards
Box 5
2 metal filing drawers:
Folder 1
- “Halae: lamps, iron, lead, architectural t.c., graves ALW, glass”: contains catalogue cards with notes on each object according to type and on terracottas found in ALW’s graves (graves 1-116, with gaps).
Folder 2
- “Halae: Graves 120-274 and Trenches”: contains catalogue cards with notes on terracottas found in graves 120-274 and in the trenches.
Folder 3
Loose handwritten catalogue cards (3 x 5 inches) with descriptions, information, and small sketches for finds from the Halae excavations, in addition to some research notes; the items include: pottery, architecture (stone), architecture (terracotta), bronzes, lamps, loomweights, sculpture (stone and terracotta), terracottas, stone objects and miscellaneous.
Subseries I.3: Plans & Drawings
Box 6
Folder 1 [NB: see also flat storage]
1. Plan of architectural remains on the northwestern side of the acropolis of Halae: pencil on heavy paper (58 x 45 cm), working copy with notes.
2. Plan of part of the fortification wall on the west side of the acropolis at Halae: pencil on heavy paper (40.5 x 24 cm), working copy with few notes and measurements.
3. Rough working sketch of architectural remains on the acropolis at Halae with notes and measurements in pencil on heavy paper (46 x 39 cm).
4. West elevation of Bastion I with a cross section of Bastion II of the acropolis of Halae: ink drawing on heavy paper, with label for publication in pencil, see Goldman 1940, p. 431, fig. 82.
5. Drawing of blocks of building on Bastion I of the acropolis of Halae: ink on tracing paper, with label for publication in pencil, see Goldman 1940, p. 431, fig. 83; fragile condition.
6. Plan of architectural remains on the acropolis of Halae: pencil and ink on a large piece of heavy graph paper (working copy); the words “may be discarded” are written on it in pencil.
7. Three black and white photographs (25.5 x 20.5 cm) of the plan of the acropolis of Halae (left, center, and right portions of the plan); see Goldman 1940, plate III. Also, a copy of right (east) part of the plan.
8. Plan of Northeast Gateway and rough copy on tracing paper.
9. Plan of the Acropolis of Halae in three large pieces: “blueprint” working copy of the original plan in three parts; a much reduced and edited version of the plan was published in Goldman 1940 as plate III.
10. List: handwritten in ink, 2 pages, titled “8. Elevations of walls and preserved heights.”
11. Inked plan of graves with number of grave written in pencil (fragile, in transparent slip).
12. Two ink drawings of sherds (or patterns on vases) signed in Greek and dated (St. Xenopoulos, 1914).
13. General plan of site, 1914: “Διάγραμμα αρχαιολογικού χώρου Αλών επαρχίας Λοκρίδος”, scale 1:250 made by υπομηχανικός Λοκρίδος Δ. Καράπας, 31/5/1914, ink and colour on heavy duty paper. [flat storage]
14. “West view of Propylaea near gate”, scale 1:25: draft in pencil on heavy duty paper with handwritten notes. [flat storage]
15. Watercolour drawings (restored) and profiles of plates (pottery), signed in Greek and dated (St. Xenopoulos, 1914), see also [flat storage]
Folder 2
Architectural Blocks
Eight original ink drawings used in Goldman’s publication of the acropolis at Halae (Goldman 1940):
1. Elevation, section, and plan of the capital of Doric column with fourteen facets (no. 1): original ink drawing on heavy paper, from the first temple area; see Goldman 1940, fig. 30.
2. Elevation and section of the capital of Doric column with sixteen flutes (no. 1): original ink drawing on heavy paper with notes in pencil, from the second temple area; see Goldman 1940, fig. 88.
3. Elevation, section, and plan of the capital of Doric column with twenty flutes (no. 3): original ink drawing on heavy paper, from the second temple area; see Goldman 1940, fig. 90.
4. Elevation and plan of triglyph and metope (no. 8a): original ink drawing on heavy paper, from the second temple area; see Goldman 1940, fig. 89.
5. Section and elevation of geison (no. 9a): original ink drawing on heavy paper, from the second temple area; see Goldman 1940, fig. 91.
6. Plan and section of metope (no. 7a): original ink drawing on heavy paper, from the second temple area; see Goldman 1940, fig. 92.
7. Elevation and section of architrave (no. 5a): original ink drawing on heavy paper, from the second temple area; see Goldman 1940, fig. 93.
8. Plan of corner geison (no. 10): original ink drawing on heavy paper, from the second temple area; see Goldman 1940, fig. 99.
Seven original ink on tracing paper drawings, 6 of which were used in Goldman’s publication of the acropolis at Halae (Goldman 1940) and one is an unpublished drawing of a block:
--1. Two ink drawings on tracing paper, with notations in pencil:
a) plan of blocks of the first temple in situ; see Goldman 1940, fig. 27;
b) detail drawing of a block of the first temple (see the block at top right of fig. 27)
--2. Fragment of a triglyph (no. 4) from the first temple area: ink drawing on tracing paper with notations; see Goldman 1940, fig. 28.
--3. Fragment of the architrave (no. 3) from the first temple area: ink drawing on tracing paper with notations; see Goldman 1940, fig. 29.
--4. Profile of the geison (no. 5) from the first temple area: ink drawing on tracing paper with notations; see Goldman 1940, fig. 31.
--5. Plan and section of coping of the wall above the exedra, system II, from the first temple area: ink drawing on tracing paper with notations; see Goldman 1940, fig. 32.
--6. Front view and profile of a painted architectural block (no. 70): unpublished ink drawing on tracing paper with notations.
- photo of ink drawings of 6 fibulae and a ring; drawings signed in Greek and dated (St. Xenopoulos, 1914); upper left corner cut off.
- photo of an ink drawing of a fibula made by the same artist (not signed).
Subseries I.4: Photographs, Negatives & Lantern Slides
Box 7
Photos for publication of the Acropolis of Halae (Goldman 1940)
Folder 1
- “Old Prints from Halae-series (H-Series) with Old Info Sheets”: orange cardboard box which contains three bundles of b/w photos with lists included and reference to publication no. (fig.) written in pencil on the back of each photo:
a) “Box 1: Halae” (15 photos = 14+ 1 duplicate): pottery, lamps, architectural terracottas
b) “Box 2: Halai (13x18 negs) - Terracotta Figurines” (12 photos = 11+ 1 duplicate): terracotta figurines
c) “Box 3: Halai (13x18 negs)” (14 photos): miscellaneous finds, terracotta sculpture; one listed photo of a limb is missing, but it may be represented by extra poros arm (H87) photo in Folder 4.
Folder 2
- “Box 4: TC Figs” (15 photos = 13+ 2 duplicates, 18x24): cardboard box which contains b/w photos of terracotta figurines with list included and reference to publication no. (fig.) written in pencil on the back of each photo.
Folder 3
- “Box 5: Pottery” (21 photos): cardboard box which contains b/w photos of pottery of the historical period with lists included and reference to publication no. (fig.) written in pencil on the back of each photo.
Folder 4
- “Box 6: Stone and TC Sculpture” (13 photos, 18x24): cardboard box which contains b/w photos of stone & terracotta sculpture with list included and reference to publication no. (fig.) written in pencil on the back of each photo; the list does not mention the photo of a fragment of a poros arm (H87) (fig. 144), probably catalogued in Folder 1, “Box 3: Halai”, but kept here with the other poros sculpture.
Folder 5
- “Box 7: Misc Finds” (13 photos, 18x24): cardboard box which contains b/w photos of miscellaneous finds with list included and reference to publication no. (fig.) written in pencil on the back of each photo.
Box 8
Photos for publication of the Acropolis of Halae (Goldman 1940) [continued] and other miscellaneous photos
Folder 1
- “Box 8: Arch. TC’s, Pottery” (10 photos= 9+ 1 duplicate, 18x24): cardboard box which contains b/w photos of architectural terracottas & pottery with list included and reference to publication no. (fig.) written in pencil on the back of each photo; the list includes 13 photos of which 4 are missing from the box (#6. Fig. 103, p. 441, #7. Fig. 100, p. 441, #9. Fig. 102, p. 444, and #11. Fig. 104, p. 442); for the perirrhanterion fragment listed under Pottery #2, see same photo in Box 7, folder 1 (“Box 1: Halae”).
Folder 2
- “Box 9: TC Sculpt.” (14 photos= 13+ 1 duplicate, 18x24): cardboard box which contains b/w photos of terracotta sculpure with list included and reference to publication no. (fig.) written in pencil on the back of each photo.
Folder 3
- “Box 10” (20 photos= 17+ 2 duplicates+ 1 not on list, 18x24): cardboard box which contains b/w photos of miscellaneous finds (cont.), lamps and pottery (cont.) with lists included and reference to publication no. (fig.) written in pencil on the back of each photo.
Folder 4
- 10 glossy colour prints of pottery water colors (original watercolours most likely made by Piet de Jong).
Folder 5
Loose photographs received with subsequent acquisitions of Halae Excavations material:
- 2 large b/w photos (12.5 x 17) of a terracotta mask published in Goldman 1940, figs. 156-157, p. 465.
- 7 small b/w photos taped on small cardboard pieces, some with notes written on the back; most are photos of terracotta sculpture, but also 2 of scales; also, index card with sketch of prehistoric sherd in colored pencil.
- 5 large b/w photo prints: one of vases from Grave 27 (published in Goldman & Jones 1942, pl. V), one of various artifacts (t/c sculpture, relief, shell aryballos) and three of the sea/beach.
- 8 b/w photos (8.5 x 11) of pieces of poros statues with references written on the back, published in Hesperia 1940, figs. 57, 58, 148, 148, 242.
- 7 b/w photos of excavation, workmen (“The Force”), architectural remains, jewelry.
- 2 b/w photos of Graves XV & XXIV pasted on sheet of paper labelled “Figures in Chapter 1” (with handwritten corrections) and 5 pages of damaged, very fragile paper, some of which preserve partially illegible writing (a letter? April 5, 1910/1914?)
- mounted b/w photo of a man (George Kosmopoulos) standing by a tower, labeled in Greek «ο υιός του αρχιαρχαιολόγου περιφήμου και καλού και πιστού Αγγελή Κοσμοπούλου ο Γεόργιος [sic] Κοσμόπουλος Μαγουλιανήτης παλληκάρης και καλός βοηθός αρχαιολογικός του Φερδινάνδου Νόακ Αυγ.-Σεπτ. 1901»
Box 9
Black & white photos for publication of the Acropolis of Halae (Goldman 1940) [continued], unpublished photos included; some photos are pasted on index cards or pieces of cardboard and have handwritten notes on the back
Folder 1
[Descriptions and references to Goldman 1940 are included in the folder]
Folder 2
Black & white photos of architectural terracottas, published & unpublished; for the published photos, see the Acropolis of Halae (Goldman 1940) [continued]
[Descriptions and references to Goldman 1940 are included in the folder]
Folder 3
Black & white photos and negatives of terracotta sculpture; for the published photos, see the Acropolis of Halae (Goldman 1940) [continued]
[Descriptions and references to Goldman 1940 are included in the folder]
Included are photos and negatives of photos of reconstruction drawings by Piet de Jong, the originals kept in Special Collections of Bryn Mawr College.
- small envelope with 26 pieces of b&w photos cut out like puzzle pieces reduced to same scale and two index cards with small sketches of sphinxes.
- 3 empty envelopes
Folder 4
Black & white photos of the Halai excavations (site & finds); for the published photos see Walker & Goldman 1915, unpublished photographs of pottery (mostly from the graves) and photos of rings from Grave 79; also group photo of workmen with dog and mule and American flag on a pole celebrating the Fourth of July at Halae; also photo of two girls in traditional costumes holding their dolls “The precious dollies photographed by special request of the owners. Halae 1912” and the “excavation canteen” with old lady.
Box 10
- 36 plates with mounted b/w photos of terracottas, jewelry, graves, poros statues and other finds as well as a few of the excavation, most published in Goldman & Jones 1942; copies of these exist in other boxes.
Box 11
Photo album: HG & AWK b/w photos arranged by K. Quinn (HB, HC, HD series); for an index of the photographs, see Table 5 of Quinn’s MA thesis (Box 26, folder 6); copies of these exist in other boxes.
Box 12
Photo album: HG & AWK photos arranged by K. Quinn (HG series); for an index of the photographs, see Table 5 of Quinn’s MA thesis (Box 26, folder 6); copies of these exist in other boxes.
Box 13
HG’s b/w photos of pottery of the historical period from the acropolis; photos of various sizes with handwritten notes on the back; some in multiple copies or with copies in other boxes.
Box 14
HG’s b/w photos of sculpture (stone and terracotta), loomweights, spools and spindle whorls, metal objects and lamps; photos of various sizes with handwritten notes on the back and labelled; some in multiple copies or with copies in other boxes.
- 3 original folders with handwritten labels and notes in which photographs and negatives were kept [large size, kept separately]
Box 15
HG’s b/w photos of loomweights, spools and spindle whorls and metal objects; photos of various sizes with handwritten notes on the back; some in multiple copies or with copies in other boxes.
Box 16
- HG’s b/w photos of: bone objects from first temple area and other parts of the acropolis, miniature Doric capital, pottery from 1935 excavation, also pottery from the acropolis and North Gate building, metal objects including bronze handles from first and second temple area, fibulae; photos of unidentified pots on display in “Halae” case in the National Museum which are not from Halae; photos of various sizes often with handwritten notes on the back and labelled; some are duplicate or with copies in other boxes. One page with handwritten notes describing a sherd (accompanies the relevant photo) and 6 pages of handwritten lists of photos.
- b/w photos of the site by Virginia Grace from the 1931 season (Neolithic levels), including photos of a figurine and 3 unlabelled photos of architectural remains.
- large size b/w photos of the site, three of which are mounted on coloured cardboard (probably used for exhibit?)
Box 17
[Acc# 2015_01]
Folder 1
- tin with negative of b/w film (roll with 38 frames, Eastman Kodak Nitrate film panchromatic; of these # 1, 12-20 are blank): shots of site and architectural blocks
- b/w prints (10.5 x 7 cm) of negatives in the tin (some images with double copies): # 10, 11, 12, 13, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 and contact prints of # 10, 11, 26, 27, 28, 29
Folder 2
Set of negatives, b/w photos (14 x 11 cm) and contact prints of architectural blocks; most are unpublished; see attached list for details. In a few cases the negative is missing.
Folder 3
Negatives and photographs of architectural blocks published in Goldman 1940.
Folder 4
Large format negatives of photos of stone sculpture and views of the site (marked as HD 1-67 negatives).
Folder 5
11 negatives of site photographs (Neolithic?).
Folder 6
- 12 b/w negatives (9x 6 cm) of photos of pottery of the historic period published in Goldman 1940 and empty envelopes with handwritten notes.
Folder 7
- 7 b/w negatives (9 x 6.5 cm) of published (Goldman 1940) and unpublished photos of terracotta statues and empty envelope with handwritten notes.
Folder 8
- 11 large format negatives of photographs with people, mostly workmen at the site (but also girls with dolls).
- 3 negatives of photos not related to Halae (one of the temple of Zeus at Nemea and two of some formal procession/parade in Athens?).
--Lantern Slides
Box 18
Halai Graves, G1-28
Pottery from the Graves, GP1-15
Pottery, P1-3
Topography, T1-9
Architectural terracottas, ATC1-7
Miscellaneous, Misc1-8
Box 19
Terracottas, TC1-15 (TC10 is a drawing of a tc statue by Piet de Jong)
Unknown, 1-6 [0, 10, 25, 42, 48, 65)
A.L. Walker lantern slides, 1-24
Local Colour (1911-1914), LC1-13
Subseries II.1: Reports, Notes & Correspondence
Box 20
Folder 1
Reports & Notes
- H. Goldman’s student report for months of Oct. and Nov. 1911 (Dec. 2nd, 1911)
- H. Goldman’s student report for months of Dec. and Jan. 1911 and 1912 (Feb. 1st, 1912)
- “Report on Excavations at Halae in Boeotia 1911” [draft?]
- 3 hand-drawn plans of property with notes and measurements (renegotiation of boundaries for 1913)
- 2 pages of handwritten notes, one has rough sketches and measurements of architectural blocks of Building on Bastion I, the other bibliographical references.
Folder 2
- letter to Prof. Gulick from H.G. (Nov. 7, 1911) [Charles Burton Gulick (1868–1962) of Harvard University/visiting professor at ASCSA, 1911-13]
- letter to Mr. Sanborn, Secretary of the American School, from Mary Seward Coe von Berlan (Sept. 27, 1912) [Cyrus Ashton Rollins Sanborn, Harvard University, Secretary of ASCSA 1911–1912]
- draft copy of a letter to Miss Coe von Berlan from B.H. Hill (Feb. 5, 1913)
- letter to Mr. Hill from Byrd Coe von Berlan [Elizabeth Byrd Coe von Berlan] [1913]
- letter to H.G. (“Δεσποινίς Γκόλμαν”) from Dimitris Karapas (Δημήτριος Καράπας, μηχανικός) (Greek) (May 8, 1914)
- letter to H.G. (“Kyria”) from D.S. Selekos (?) (Greek) (May 10, 1914)
- letter to H.G. (“Δεσποινίς Γκόλμαν”) from Dimitris Karapas (Δημήτριος Καράπας, μηχανικός) (Greek) (May 12, 1914)
- letter to H.G. from A. Orlandos (May 13/26, 1914)
- letter to H.G. from M.A. Rizos (May 13, 1914) (visiting card)
- letter to H.G. (“Δεσποινίς Γκόλμαν”) from Dimitris Karapas (Δημήτριος Καράπας, μηχανικός) (Greek) (May 19, 1914)
- letter to H.G. (“Fräulein”) from Nik. Pappadakis (in German) (May 7/20, 1914)
- letter to H.G. from Nik. Pappadakis, Ephor (n.d., in Greek) (visiting card)
- letter to H.G. from B.H. Hill (May 29, 1914)
- letter to Lambros (?) from G. B. Kallantsis (n.d.) (visiting card)
- xerox of document re. funeral expenses of the late Mrs. Mary Anna Seward Coe von Berlan, Feb. 28, 1917
Subseries II.2: Study & Publications
Box 21
Folder 1
Typed manuscript of H. Goldman’s PhD dissertation (Goldman H., The Terracottas from the Necropolis of Halae, diss. Radcliffe College Harvard 1916): no title page, only table of contents; Part I (pp. 1-132 + half page); references to Plates added by hand in the margin.
Folder 2
Typed manuscript of H. Goldman’s PhD dissertation (Goldman H., The Terracottas from the Necropolis of Halae, diss. Radcliffe College Harvard 1916) [continued]: Inventory of Halae graves (pp. 1-329), check marks throughout the text in red pencil.
Folder 3
Typed manuscript of H. Goldman’s PhD dissertation (Goldman H., The Terracottas from the Necropolis of Halae, diss. Radcliffe College Harvard 1916) [continued]: Part 2 – Descriptive catalogue of the terracotta types (pp. 1-56), Inventory of Terracottas (pp. 1-58 + 3 pages Miscellaneous) and Index (pp. 1-6) with handwritten notes throughout the text.
Folder 4
Illustrations for H. Goldman’s PhD dissertation (Goldman H., The Terracottas from the Necropolis of Halae, diss. Radcliffe College Harvard 1916) [continued]: 100 b/w photos of varying sizes mounted on heavy paper with handwritten labels and notes and sketches in pencil; some photos are missing (or were never placed in corner mounts?)
- remains of box in which the manuscript and photos were stored with note from HG to “Doroth” [Cox?]
Box 22
Folder 1
Goldman H., The Terracottas from the Necropolis of Halae (diss. Radcliffe College 1916): xerox of pp. 1-62 of H.G.’s dissertation (of Part I)
Folder 2
Goldman H., The Terracottas from the Necropolis of Halae (diss. Radcliffe College 1916): xerox of inventory of Hale graves containing terracottas, pp. 1-329 of H.G.’s dissertation
Box 23
Folder 1
Carbon copy of typed manuscript of H. Goldman’s PhD dissertation (Goldman H., The Terracottas from the Necropolis of Halae, diss. Radcliffe College Harvard 1916) [continued]: Inventory of Halae graves (pp. 1-150)
Folder 2
Carbon copy of typed manuscript of H. Goldman’s PhD dissertation (Goldman H., The Terracottas from the Necropolis of Halae, diss. Radcliffe College Harvard 1916) [continued]: Inventory of Halae graves (pp. 151-329)
Folder 3
Carbon copy of typed manuscript of H. Goldman’s PhD dissertation (Goldman H., The Terracottas from the Necropolis of Halae, diss. Radcliffe College Harvard 1916) [continued]: Part 2 – Descriptive catalogue of the terracotta types (pp. 1-56) and Index (pp. 1-5)
Folder 4
- 15 b/w photographs of varying sizes mostly pottery but also graves (may have been detached from original plates of the dissertation, see Box 21, folder 4), with handwritten notes on the back; one photo of pottery from Grave 17 in two copies
- original storage envelope
Box 24
Folder 1
Typed manuscript of Alice Leslie Walker’s (Kosmopoulos) PhD dissertation (Walker, A., The Pottery of the Necropolis of Lokrian Halae, diss. University of California, Berkeley 1916 [approved 1917]), 87+ pages, Plates I-XXVII (only labels, no photos) and with original cover.
Folder 2
Halae in Locris. Prehistorics: A.L. Walker’s (Kosmopoulos) typed manuscript on the prehistoric pottery (1934-1935, 1937) with few drawings of pottery in pencil and penciled & typed annotations in red; includes catalogue of miscellaneous finds of prehistoric date (bone, clay, stone), catalogue of whole or approximately restored vases and figurines, couple of loose pages of notes, 325+ pages; see also, Box 25 (inventory cards of Neolithic pottery).
Folder 3
- A.W.K.’s Catalogue (Kosmopoulou’s examination of individual pieces):
a) “Quick examination of HG for notable pieces”: typed pieces of paper with information from HG’s notebooks cut and pasted to sheets of paper, 16 pages; handwritten annotations added in pencil;
b) “Vitiated deposits”: 5 typed pages; information extracted from (a)
c) “Pure deposits”: 7 typed pages; information extracted from (a)
d) “Key to abbreviations appearing in K’s list of HG’s pieces”: 1 typed page with handwritten annotations in pencil
e) “Key to abbreviations appearing in Kosmopoulous notebook”: 2 typed pages
- original storage envelope
- contact prints (2 sheets) of photos of prehistoric sherds with indication “Sherd plates Bob Bridges (copy negs)” and large size photo of sherds with handwritten notes on the back (date 1935).
Folder 4
J.L. Caskey’s notes on Halae Pottery, 1973: xerox of handwritten letter from J.L. Caskey to Machteld Mellink dated 26 Nov. 1973 and transcription of the letter by J. Reilly (2015); handwritten list of photos taken by JLC at the National Museum in 1958 with identifications of pots and figurines from Halae and a typed copy of the list; b/w photo of Neolithic bowl.
Box 25
A. L. Walker-Kosmopoulos’ inventory cards of Neolithic pottery: 5 x 8 inch index cards with handwritten information on the Neolithic pottery and few objects; see also, Box 24, folder 2.
Box 26
Folder 1
“Halai old notebooks 1911”: xerox of 1911 Goldman field notebook and typed transcript of 1911 field notes, including handwritten notes by Cornell students in the 1980s.
Folder 2
“Halai old notebooks 1912”: xerox of typed transcripts of 1912 Goldman field notebooks (Book 1 & 2, only graves); see Box 3, folder 4.
Folder 3
“Halai old notebooks 1913”: xerox of 1913 Goldman and Walker field notebooks and typed transcripts of 1913 field books including discussion of the transcripts, handwritten notes and indices to trenches by Cornell students in the 1980s.
Folder 4
“Halai old notebooks 1914”: xerox of 1914 Goldman field notebook and typed transcript, including discussion of the text and transcript, handwritten notes and indices to trenches by Cornell students in the 1980s; also front and back cover of binder with handwritten notes in pencil.
Folder 5
“Halai old notebooks 1923/1931”: xerox of 1923 Goldman field notebook and typed transcript and 1931 Grace pottery notes including handwritten notes, summaries and indices by Cornell students in the 1980s.
Folder 6
K.M. Quinn, Late Antique Halai: a study of the Roman and Byzantine remains at the site of Halai, Greece, as recorded in the field journals of Hetty Goldman and Alice L. Wallker, MA thesis Cornell Univeristy, 1996 (copy)
Box 27
Index cards-Bibliography (H. Goldman)
A metal filing drawer and loose index cards with bibliographical references and notes on a variety of themes (including Asia Minor-Colophon), sketches on tracing paper and one postcard of a statue head (“Miss Goldman”).