Individual Research

Acceptance of Membership at the School is a prerequisite for students or scholars wishing to make use of the facilities outside normal visiting hours.

There are two types of Associate Membership categories: Student Associate Membership and Senior Associate Membership. Student Associate Membership is open to graduate students and Senior Associate Membership is open to Independent, Post-doctoral, and established scholars.

Ready to apply?


Student Associate Membership

Student Associate Membership is open to graduate students working on specific projects, such as the dissertation, that require extended residence in Greece. An applicant for Student Associate Membership is a graduate student in a field relevant to the mission of the School (e.g., Classics, Classical studies, Classical archaeology, anthropology, architecture, history of art, philosophy, prehistory, or studies in post-classical Greece) with a minimum of two years of graduate work, or a graduate student, who, having passed his/her qualifying examinations for the PhD, has not yet completed his/her thesis.

Student Associate Members have full library privileges and access to the staff and services of the School.  Use of other facilities and participation in other activities, e.g., Regular Program trips, can be offered only when space permits, and at the discretion of those responsible for the academic program.  All new first year Members are expected to take part in the orientation program at the opening of the School year.

If you qualify for Student Associate Membership and would like to be at the School for the entire academic year (September 1 to June 1) or for a time shorter than the full academic year, please submit the Associate Membership Application. If you are requesting to stay shorter than a full academic year, you will be considered a Visiting Student Associate Member, and will retain full Associate Member privileges and should still complete the application for Associate Membership. 

If you are applying for a Fulbright grant and would like to request a Letter of Affiliation, please see more about the process here. The request for a Letter of Affiliation for a Fulbright application will use this form, and not the form to apply for Associate Membership (as listed above on this webpage).

Application for Student Associate Membership
Please note that if you are a first-time applicant to the School, and are not applying for a fellowship, you must submit the online application for Associate Membership, along with a Curriculum vitae, a statement of the project to be pursued, and names and contact information of two individuals who would be willing to provide supporting letters. One letter of recommendation must be from your dissertation advisor or the Chair of the Graduate Program of your home institution. Upon submission of the online application, recommenders will be sent an automated email with instructions about how to submit their letters of recommendation. Or, applicants may choose to send the request at any time by clicking the "Send Request Now" button on the online application form. However, if you have been a member of the School, at any time in the past, you need only submit the online application (no recommendations are required).

There is NO DEADLINE for Student Associate Membership, if not applying for a fellowship, although applicants should submit their applications at least two weeks prior to their arrival at the School.

Both Student Associate and Visiting Student Associate Members pay School fees for the time the Member is a resident in Greece.

Apply Now for Student Associate Membership

Senior Associate Membership

Senior Associate Membership is open to Independent, Post-doctoral, and established scholars who wish to use the School’s facilities for their own research in Greece. 

Senior Associate Members have full library privileges and access to the staff and services of the School.  Use of other facilities and participation in other activities can be offered only when space permits, and at the discretion of the Director.

If you qualify for Senior Associate Membership and would like to be at the School for the entire academic year (September 1 to June 1) or for a time shorter than the full academic year, please submit the Associate Membership Application. If you are requesting to stay shorter than a full academic year, you will be considered a Visiting Senior Associate Member, and will retain full Associate Member privileges and should still complete the application for Associate Membership. 

Application for Senior Associate Membership
Please note that if you are a first-time applicant to the School, and are not applying for a fellowship, you must submit the online application, along with a Curriculum vitae and a statement of the project to be pursued. No recommendations are required. However, if you have been a member of the School, at any time in the past, you need only submit the online application (CV, project statement, and recommendations are not required). 

There is NO DEADLINE for Senior Associate Membership, if not applying for a fellowship, although applicants should submit their applications at least two weeks prior to their arrival at the School.

Both Senior Associate and Visiting Senior Associate Members pay School fees for the time the Member is a resident in Greece.

Apply Now for Senior Associate Membership

School Fees for Researchers

Faculty, students and former students of Cooperating Institutions pay only one-half the fees for use of the facilities of the School in Greece. These fees are, at present, calculated at the rate of $220 per month for Regular and Student Associate Members and $330 per month for Senior Associate Members, or $110 and $165 respectively for those connected with a Cooperating Institution. There is no tuition for graduate students to attend the American School, and the School awards over $800,000 in fellowships annually. These modest fees are in lieu of any tuition charges. 

For more on School Fees and Expenses, click here

Questions about Membership?


Information about Research Permits

Looking for information about studying and/or publishing objects, or information about permits for analysis of archaeological material?

Learn More

Hours of Operation

ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES: Monday through Saturday: 8:30-14:30
BUSINESS OFFICE: Monday through Friday: 8:30-14:30
BLEGEN LIBRARY: Visitor hours are Monday-Friday: 8:30-21:00 and Saturday: 9:00-14:30. ASCSA Membership includes the privilege of 24-hour access to the Blegen Library.
GENNADIUS LIBRARY: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday: 9:00 to 17:00; Thursday: 9:00 to 20:00; Saturday: 9:00 to 14:00
ARCHIVES: Monday through Friday: 9:30 – 15:30, by appointment only. Prior to their visit, researchers are asked to fill in and submit electronically an application form. Material (up to three boxes each time) is delivered twice a day, at 10:00 and 13:00. Orders have to be placed before 10:00 and 13:00 respectively.
WIENER LABORATORY: Call for appointment. (+30) 213-00-02-400
AGORA EXCAVATIONS: Monday through Friday, 9:00-14:30. Call for appointment. 30-210-3310963
CORINTH EXCAVATIONS: Call for appointment. +30-274-103-1334

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The American School of Classical Studies at Athens does not discriminate on the basis of age, color, disability, gender identity or expression, genetic information, national or ethnic origin, pregnancy, race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation when considering admission to any form of membership or application for employment.