Nemea Architectural Drawings

Nemea Architectural Drawings Collection
Collection Number: GR ASCSA ExcRec 040
Name of Creator(s): Bert H. Hill (1874-1958), Lewey T. Lands, Charles K. Williams
Title: Nemea, Architectural Drawings Date(s): 1924-1926, 1927, 1935, 1936, 1946-1954, 1962-1964
Language(s): English
Summary: Excavations at the site of Nemea were conducted by Bert H. Hill and Carl W. Blegen in 1924 for three seasons with funds provided through the University of Cincinnati. Work continued in 1927 by Benjamin D. Meritt, while Charles K. Williams undertook the final publication of the temple and further exploration of the site in 1964. In 1974 excavations at the site were renewed under the direction of Stephen G. Miller (University of California at Berkeley). The collection consists of more than 200 architectural drawings by Lewey T. Lands for B. H. Hill’s study of the Temple of Zeus at Nemea (1930s-1940s) with Charles K. Williams's notes (1963-1964), reviewed plans, and new drawings made in the 1960s. There are also army maps, aerial photos, topographical drawings, as well as drawings related to land expropriation. Very few profiles of pottery and photos.
Quantity: 0.20 linear meters [flat storage]
Immediate Source of Acquisition: ASCSA
Information about Access: The collection has been catalogued and is available for research after consultation with the ASCSA Archivist.
Cite As: American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Archives, Nemea, Architectural Drawings (Αμερικανική Σχολή Κλασικών Σπουδών στην Αθήνα, Αρχείο Σχεδίων Νεμέας)
Notes (1): The catalogue was prepared by Leda Costaki in 2017.
For more information, please contact the Archives:
The American School of Classical Studies at Athens
54 Souidias Street, Athens 106 76, Greece
Phone: +30-213 000 2400 (ext. 425)
Contact via E-mail
The collection consists of drawings by Lewey T. Lands for Bert H. Hill’s study of the temple of Zeus at Nemea (1930s-1940s) with Charles K. Williams’ notes (1963-1964), reviewed plans and new drawings made in the 1960s.
On the history of these drawings, see Frederick Cooper, The Temple of Zeus at Nemea, Perspectives and Prospects: A Guide to the Exhibition, Athens-Benaki Museum 1983, pp. 41-42:
“In 1924 the French School ceded its rights on Nemea to the ASCSA: three annual campaigns followed led by Bert Hodge Hill and Carl W. Blegen (1924-1926). Hill returned to Nemea in 1935 and 1936 with his architect L. T. Lands and after the war from 1946 to 1954. Hill’s notes and Lands’ drawings were turned over to C. K. Williams II who worked at Nemea in 1962 and 1964. Williams made revisions to many of Lands’ drawings, drew several new ones and produced the Princeton volume on the Temple of Zeus under Hill’s name (1966) almost a decade after the author's death. Williams discovered the kiln where the roof tiles of the temple had been made. In 1974 the University of California at Berkeley began full scale excavations under the direction of Stephen G. Miller.”
In the 1980s Cooper worked on the study for the restoration project of the temple and an exhibition on perspectives and prospects of the Temple of Zeus at Nemea was held at the Benaki Museum in Athens (April 1983).
Architectural drawings as published in Hill 1966 (mylar):
1. [Plate I] General plan of the site (mylar)
2. [Plate II] Plan of temple with fallen blocks
3. [Plate IV] Restored plan of temple
4. [Plate VIII] Restored longitudinal section (W-E) of temple
5. [Plate IX] Restored transverse section, A-A (N-S) through pronaos
6. [Plate X] Restored transverse section, B-B (N-S), through cella
7. [Plate XII] Ramp (plan; elevation; isometric)
8. [Plate XVIII] Tympanum (interior face, exterior face, A, B, C, D)
9. [Plate XIX without detail] Pteron and pronaos entablature
10. [Plate XIX, detail] Entasis of pronaos column
11. [Plate XXI] Details of wall construction (A: lintel in east cella wall; B-C: doorway wall with interior anta; D: joint between doorway wall and interior anta; E: southwest corner of cella wall; F: cella wall; G: adjacent cella and pronaos orthostates)
12. [Plate XXIV] Corinthian epistyle blocks & Corinthian capital details (including section of empolion cutting)
13. [Plate XXV, top] Restored plan (at level of cella upper order)
14. [Plate XXV] Restored plan and architectural fragments of cella upper order
15. [Plate XXVI] Restored Ionic capital of cella upper order
16. [Plate XXVII] Profiles (A: Doric capital; D: raking sima; E: Corinthian epistyle; F: Corinthian column base; G: epikranitis; I: frieze backer)
17. [Plate XXVIII] Mason’s marks (column drums, foundation blocks, frieze backer, plinthoi)
Figures (mylar, with notes for printing):
18. [Fig. 1] Profiles of Doric capitals
19. [Fig. 2] Top of Doric capital, showing sequence of erection of epistyle blocks on abacus
20. [Fig. 3] Flank geison with wood roof framing restored
21. [Fig. 4] Raking sima profiles
22. [Fig. 5] East-west section of west end pteron foundations and crypt, looking North
23. [Fig. 6] Corinthian-Ionic Base profiles
24. [n/n] Draft of Fig. 6 in pencil
25. [Fig. 7] Three schemes for southwest corner of upper order colonnade within cella
26. [Fig. 30b] Dimensioned drawing of fig. 30a (West wall of crypt, with orthostates of wall above, from the East)
Not in Hill 1966:
27. [n/n] Plan of E end of cella, detail showing entrance to cella, floor and end walls & detail in elevation (mylar)
28. [n/n] inscription on wall or column of stadium? (mylar)
Lands’ drawings on heavy duty paper, some with Williams’ notes:
29. [1] Temple: actual state plan
30. [2] Temple: 4 sections A-A, B-B, C-C, D-D (longitudinal)
31. [2A-A] Temple: longitudinal W-E section A-A, looking N (with shading)
32. [2B-B & 23] Temple: section B-B (with shading)
33. [2C-C & 27] Temple: section C-C (with shading)
34. [2D-D] Temple: section D-D (with shading)
35. [2E-E] Temple: section (with shading)
36. [25 top] Temple: longitudinal E-W section, looking S (with shading)
37. [3] Temple: restored plan
38. [old 3] Temple: restored plan
39. [4] Temple: restored E elevation (with 3 figures and shading)
40a-b. [5] Temple: restored S elevation (in two parts, "a" right & "b" left)
41. [6] Temple: restored S-N elevation through pronaos and cella (half of each)
42a-b. [7] Temple: restored W-E elevation through cella (in two parts, "a" right & "b" left)
43. [8] Details of order restored
44. [9] Details of sima
45. [10] Details of Corinthian column restored
46. [11] Isometric drawings of parts of walls (showing wall construction)
47. [12] Isometric drawings of wall blocks (anta and wall crown of pronaos)
48. [13] Isometric drawings of epistyle and epikranitis
49. [14] Isometric drawings of frieze
50. [15] Isometric drawings of cornice
51. [16] Pediment and isometric drawing of blocks
52. [17] FSD of mouldings
53. [18] Elevations of sides of crypt (inked)
54. [18n/n] Elevations of sides of crypt (pencil)
55. [20] Fallen blocks of temple & plan
56. [20n/n] Fallen blocks of temple & plan (larger area, no stippling) on tracing paper (architectural members numbered in red ink) (very fragile condition)
57. [24] General plan of precinct with temple, “palaistra” (bath) and “gymnasium” (xenon)
58. [25] Outline plan of euthynteria, 2 steps and stylobate
59. [26] Foundations stippled
60. [27] Walls: 4 courses
61. [28] Epistyle-frieze-cornice-sima & rafters
62. [29] Construction of E wall (detail of cella S door jamb and entrance to cella)
63. [30] State plan of ramp
64. [31] Perspective schematic of outer order
65. [32] Restored plan of temple large scale
66. [n/n] Temple: restored E elevation (no ramp showing) (pencil)
67. [n/n] Temple: restored S-N elevation through cella (looking W) (pencil)
68. [n/n] Temple: restored S elevation, abridged (only E & W ends) (pencil)
69. [n/n] Temple: restored W-E elevation only through cella (unfinished)
70. [n/n] Temple: restored W-E elevation through cella including opisthodomos & pronaos (tracing paper)
71. [n/n] Plan of four corners of temple, abridged (steps only, not stylobate)
72. [n/n] Plan of E end of cella, detail showing entrance to cella, floor and end walls (copy of #27)
Lands’ drawings on heavy duty paper (drafts, sketches, studies) not included in Hills 1966, in pencil:
73. [Plate 1] Frieze
74. [Plate 2] Frieze
75. [Plate 3] Corner frieze block
76. [Plate 4] Metope
77. [Plate 5] Corner epistyle
78. [Plate 6] Corner epistyle backer
79. [Plate 7?] Epistyle
80. [Plate 8] Cornice
81. [Plate 9] Frieze backer
82. [Plate 10-11] Pediment-Wall blocks (both sides of paper drawn)
83. [Plate 12-13] East wall & door jamb-Orthostates (both sides of paper drawn)
84. [Plate 15] Interior epistyle
85. [Plate 18] Sima (lion’s head spout)
86. [Plate 19] Sima (antefix)
87. [Plate 20] Corinthian capital
88. [Plate 21] Corinthian capital
89. [Plate 22] Corinthian capital
90. [n/n] Corinthian capital
91. [n/n] Corinthian capital
92. [n/n] Corinthian capital
93. [n/n] Corinthian capital
94. [n/n] Corinthian capital, details of fragments (watercolour)
Set of copies of plans:
Photostatic copies of Lands’ drawings including Hill’s original handwritten list of plates (originally nos 1-24 with later additions, total: 1-33) and notes (in pencil); drawings have handwritten notes/corrections in pencil (by Williams):
95. List of plates (drawings)
96-97. [1] Temple: actual state plan (2 copies)
98a-b. [2a-d] Temple: 4 sections (in two parts, [a] right & left)
99. [3] Temple: restored plan
100. [31] Temple: restored plan (older version, not showing ramp)
101a-b. [32] Temple: restored plan (in two parts, [a] right & [a] left)
102. [4] Temple: restored E elevation (with 3 figures and shading)
103. [41] Temple: restored Ε elevation (no ramp showing)
104a-b. [5] Temple: restored S elevation (in two parts, [a] right & [a] left)
105. [51] Temple: restored S elevation, abridged (only E & W ends)
106. [6] Temple: restored S-N elevation through pronaos and cella (half of each)
107. [61] Temple: restored S-N elevation through cella
108a-b. [7] Temple: restored W-E elevation through cella (in two parts, [a] right & [a] left)
109. [8] Details of order restored
110. [9] Details of sima
111. [10] Details of Corinthian column restored
112. [11] Isometric drawings of parts of walls (showing wall construction)
113. [12] Isometric drawings of wall blocks (anta and wall crown of pronaos)
114. [13] Isometric drawings of epistyle and epikranitis
115. [14] Isometric drawings of frieze
116. [15] Isometric drawings of cornice
117. [16] Pediment and isometric drawing of blocks
118a-b. [17] FSD of mouldings (in two parts, [a] top & bottom)
119. [18] Elevations of sides of crypt
120. [19] Plan of altar
121. [20] Fallen blocks of temple & plan
122. [201] Fallen blocks of temple & plan (larger area, no stippling)
123. [21] Plan of “palaistra” & bath in SW part of precinct
124a-b. [22] Details of bath (in two parts, [a] top & [a] bottom)
125. [23] Plan of church and part of “gymnasium” (xenon)
126. [24] General plan of precinct with temple, “palaistra” (bath) and “gymnasium” (xenon)
127a-b. [25] Outline plan of euthynteria, 2 steps and stylobate (in two parts, [a] right & [a] left)
128. [26] Foundations stippled
129. [27] Walls: 4 courses
130. [28] Epistyle-frieze-cornice-sima & rafters
131. [30] State plan of ramp
132. [31] Perspective schematic of outer order (=order of peristyle)
Photostatic copies of Lands’ drawings:
133. [1] Temple: actual state plan
134-135. [2] Temple: sections A-A, B-B, C-C, D-D (2 copies)
136a-b-137. [3] Temple: restored plan (2 copies, one of which in two parts, [a] right & [a] left)
138. [4] Temple: restored E elevation (with 3 figures and shading)
139-140. [41] Temple: restored Ε elevation (no ramp showing) (2 copies)
141a-b. [5] Temple: restored S elevation (in two parts, [a] right & [a] left)
142-143. [51] Temple: restored S elevation (only E & W ends) (2 copies)
144-145. [6] Temple: restored S-N elevation through pronaos and cella (half of each) (2 copies)
146-147-148. [61] Temple: restored S-N elevation through cella (3 copies)
149a-b. [7] Temple: restored W-E elevation through cella (in two parts, [a] right & [a] left)
150-151. [8] Details of order restored (2 copies)
152. [9] Details of sima
153. [10] Details of Corinthian column restored
154-155. [11] Isometric drawings of parts of walls (2 copies)
156-157. [12] Isometric drawings of wall blocks (2 copies)
158. [13] Isometric drawings of epistyle and epikranitis
159. [14] Isometric drawings of frieze
160. [15] Isometric drawings of cornice
161. [16] Pediment and isometric drawing of blocks
162-163. [17] FSD of mouldings ([162] one copy and [163] one copy of top half)
164. [18] Elevations of sides of crypt
165. [19] Plan of altar
166. [20] Fallen blocks of temple & plan
167. [24] General plan of precinct with temple, “palaistra” (bath) and “gymnasium” (xenon)
168a-b-169a-b. [25] Outline plan of euthynteria, 2 steps and stylobate (in two parts, [a] right & left) (2 copies)
170-171. [26] Foundations stippled (2 copies)
172-173. [27] Walls: 4 courses (2 copies)
174. [28] Epistyle-frieze-cornice-rafters
175. [29] Construction of E wall (detail of cella S door jamb)
176. [30] State plan of ramp
177. [n/n] Plan of four corners of temple, abridged (steps only, not stylobate) (copy of #71)
178-179. [n/n] Plan of E end of cella, detail showing entrance to cella, floor and end walls (copy of #27) (2 copies)
Xerox copies of Lands’ & Williams’ plans, some with handwritten notes or corrections:
180-181-182. [3] Temple: restored plan (3 copies)
183-184. [n/n] Restored transverse section through pronaos (see Hill 1966, Plate IX, with corrections) (2 copies)
185-186. [n/n] Restored transverse section through cella (see Hill 1966, Plate X, with corrections) (2 copies)
187. [30 with additions] Ramp: plan, elevation, isometric (see Hill 1966, Plate XII)
188. [16 modified] Tympanum and isometric drawing of blocks (see Hill 1966, Plate XVIII)
189. [n/n] Pteron and pronaos entablature (see Hill 1966, Plate XIX)
190. [n/n] Restored plan and architectural fragments of cella upper order (see Hill 1966, Plate XXV?)
191. [n/n] Plan and elevation of cella S door jamb (detail)
Topographical plans of the area (not in Hill’s 1966 publication):
192-194. General topographical plan of the area of ancient Nemea, including area of ancient stadium and modern village of Herakleion showing properties (κτηματολόγιο), streets and contour lines, (3 copies, notes differ slightly)
195-196. Topographical plan of area of temple of Zeus and area of stadium with properties and list of owners (κτηματολόγιο) (2 copies, one has handwritten notes on properties that have been expropriated)
197-199. Topographical plan of the site of ancient Nemea including area of stadium with proposed archaeological park showing eventual fencing, parking, river and road systems (Miller, May 29, 1977) (3 copies)
200-202. Nemea-Stadion showing area of sphendone with properties numbered (Miller, 1973) (3 copies, one on mylar and two on paper, one of which with handwritten notes of purchased land)
203-207. Topographical maps of the area of Nemea, 1:5000 (Greek Army Map Service-ΓΥΣ), 5 sheets (6364.3, 6364.5-8) (F. A. Cooper)
208-209. 2 topographical plans of properties in the area of Nemea (most likely to be expropriated)
210. Topographical plan of Skliris’ property bordering the ruins of the temple (most likely to be expropriated), 13 Aug. 1963
211. Topographical plan of property bordering public land expropriated by the ASCSA and fields owned by Papaioannou, Ath. (most likely to be expropriated)
212. Topographical plan of field belonging to Panayiotes I. Hatzaras, located on Tsoungiza Hill in ancient Nemea
213-214. 2 complementary general topographical plans of the archaeological site with the temple of Zeus and the area of the stadium showing existing and new roads
Later drawings, xenon & kiln (not in Hill 1966):
215. Schematic position of areas investigated around the temple of Zeus, showing xenon
216. Plan of xenon and other buildings around the temple of Zeus to the N in outline (1962?)
217. Plan of xenon (1962), with corrections in pencil
218. Plan of xenon: period 1 (with buildings A, B, C to the N)
219. Plan of Building D and E (xenon)
220. Xenon: restored N-S section (through rooms 14-15) and N-S section
221. Nemea kiln: plan, isometric plan and two sections (Williams)
Later drawings, basilica (not in Hill 1966) (Williams, 1964 excavations, some published in ArchDelt 20 (1965), B1, 154-156 –bath-xenon-baptistery):
222. State plan of Basilica, 1:50 (Williams), with notes
223. State plan of Basilica with baptistery and graves excavated to the N
224. Plan of baptistery and graves to the N (Williams 1964)
225-226. Plan of baptistery (Williams 1964) (2 copies, mylar & paper)
227. Printed plan of Nemea Basilica
Sketches & Copies of drawings:
228-251. 24 sketches, drafts with notes and measurements, studies
252. Plate I: general plan of the site [#1 of catalogue] without labels on buildings (copy on paper)
253. Plate V: actual state sections of temple (copy on paper)
Aerial Photos
254. View of temple and remains to the South with surrounding fields, Greek Air Force Gen. Staff photo, scale ca 1:1,500 (1/3), large format
255-256. View of temple and remains to the South with surrounding fields, Greek Air Force Gen. Staff photo, scale ca 1:1,500 (2/3) (2 copies), large format
257-258. View of temple and remains to the South with surrounding fields, Greek Air Force Gen. Staff photo, scale ca 1:1,500 (3/3) (2 copies), large format
259. Διάγραμμα φωτοσυμπλέγματος (ΓΕΑ / Α2-IV) (mylar)
260. View of temple and remains to the South with surrounding fields, Greek Air Force Gen. Staff photo, scale ca 1:1,500 (1/3), small format
261. View of temple and remains to the South with surrounding fields, Greek Air Force Gen. Staff photo, scale ca 1:1,500 (2/3), small format
262. View of temple and surrounding fields, Greek Air Force Gen. Staff photo, scale ca 1:1,500 (3/3), small format
263. Photo of Plate XXIX bottom (LI-47) (Piet de Jong’s drawing of Tegea capital)
264-267. 4 photos of excavations at temple of Zeus (1924) and view to the valley of Nemea
268. Negative of photo of plan of the temple of Zeus at Nemea
Gymnasium pottery
269-272. 4 large sheets with profile drawings of pottery from “Gymnasium” excavation (1962) (mylar)