Carl W. Blegen Papers
Carl Blegen Papers at Cincinnati
Collection Number: GR ASCSA CWB 001
Name(s) of Creator(s): Carl W. Blegen (1887-1971)
Title: Carl W. Blegen Papers
Date [bulk]: 1910-1971
Date [inclusive]:
Languages: English, Greek
Quantity: 8 linear meters
Summary: The collection includes professional and personal correspondence, diaries, archaeological reports and notes, and photographs.
Immediate Source of Acquisition: Carl W. Blegen, 1971.
Information about Access: The collection has been catalogued and is available for research.
Cite as: American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Archives, Carl W. Blegen Papers (Αμερικανική Σχολή Κλασικών Σπουδών στην Αθήνα, Αρχείο Carl W. Blegen)
For more information, contact the Archives at:
The American School of Classical Studies at Athens
54 Souidias Street, Athens 106 76, Greece,
phone: +30 213 000 2400 (ext. 425)
Contact by email
1887: Born January 27
1904: B.A. University of Minnesota
1907: B.A. Yale University.; began graduate studies
1910-1911: Student at ASCSA
1911 - 1913: Fellow in Archaeology, ASCSA
1911: Excavation at Locris
1911 - 1914: Excavations at Corinth
1912 - 1915: Travels with Emerson Swift
1913 - 1920: Secretary, ASCSA
1915 - 1916: Excavation at Korakou (published 1921)
1918 - 1919: World War I Relief work in Macedonia & Bulgaria. Decorated with the Saviors Order in 1919 by the Greek State.
1920: Ph.D. Yale University
1920 - 1926: Assistant Director, ASCSA
1921 - 1922: Excavation at Zygouries (published in 1927)
1923 - 1924: Excavation at Hymettos (published in 1924)
1924: Excavation at Phlius
1924: Friday, June 11, married to Elizabeth Denny Pierce at Lake Placid, N.Y.
1925: Excavation at Prosymna
1926 - 1927: Acting Director, ASCSA
1926 - 1928: Excavation at Prosymna (published in 1937)
1927: Joined faculty at University of Cincinnati as Professor of Classical Archaeology
1931: Elizabeth Blegen bought the house at 9 Plutarch Street in Athens
1932 - 1938: Excavations at Troy
1939: Excavation at Pylos
1942 - 1945: Joined the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) at Washington, D.C.
1945 - 1946: Joined the U.S. Department of State at Athens
1948 - 1949: Director at ASCSA
1950 - 1957: Head of Department of Classics, University of Cincinnati
1951: Honorary degrees from the University of Oslo & University of Thessaloniki
1952 - 1969: Continuation of Excavations at Pylos
1957: Retirement from University of Cincinnati; receives honorary degree from Oxford University (D.Litt.)
1958: Honorary degree from Univ. of Cincinnati (LL.D.)
1963: Honorary degrees from Cambridge University (Litt.D.), University of Athens (doctorate), Hebrew Union College, and the Jewish Institute of Religion in Jerusalem.
1965: Gold Medal from the Archaeological Institute of America
1966: September 21, his wife Elizabeth died; Gold Medal from the Society of Antiquaries in London
1967: Wilbur Lucius Cross Medal from Yale Graduate School
1969: Gold Medal from the University of Cincinnati
1971: August 24, died; buried August 25 at Athens First Cemetery
The collection includes a variety of personal and professional papers, and a large number of letters from various Blegen family members. It is divided into five series: Series I. Archaeological Papers and Notes; Series II. Professional Correspondence; Series III. Personal Correspondence; Series IV. Miscellaneous; V. Photographs. The papers date from 1910 to the time of his death in 1971.
Series I: Archaeological Papers and Notes contains excavation papers, field reports, and manuscripts; travel journals relating to ASCSA field trips and notebooks with lecture notes from when he was an American School Fellow; and personal diaries documenting various trips, including the ones he made to Northern Greece, after the First World War, as a member of the American Red Cross. Note that diaries covering the period from 1922 to 1939 are missing and that the excavation notebooks of Pylos have been filed separately, as part of the Excavation Records Group of the American School. The majority of the excavation reports are from the time when Blegen was Assistant Director of the School and deeply involved in the School’s excavations. Most of the manuscripts concern oral papers which were never published. Finally, some of the notebooks and diaries include photographic logs which correlate with the photographs in Series VI.
Series II: Personal Diaries contains Blegen’s travel journals from various trips throughout Greece either as part of the American School program or the Red Cross missions. A number of these diaries include photo records, some of which correlate with photos in Series VI. The diaries are arranged chronologically. Blegen’s notes on his leisure trip to Europe in 1913 can be compared to an account of the same trip in Emerson Swift’s Youthful Rambles. On the Trail of the Classics, 1912-1915 (California 1975).
Series III: Professional Correspondence contains letters associated with excavations, books and publications, applications, finances, students, and other issues. Also included in this Series is Blegen’s correspondence with Michael Ventris, A.J. Beattie and John Chadwick pertaining to the decipherment of the Linear B tablets. Blegen’s professional correspondence has been arranged in alphabetical order according to the agency of origin.
Series IV: Personal Correspondence contains letters from Blegen’s parents (1910-1924), mostly in Norwegian; his brothers and sisters; other family members and family friends; his wife Elizabeth; and from his good friends Bert H. Hill, Ida Thallon Hill, and Marion Rawson, his collaborator at Troy and Pylos.
Series V: Miscellaneous contains Blegen’s manuscripts on Greek politics, and correspondence concerning their publication; personal documents (birth certificate, passports, letters of introduction; some financial documents; news clippings; and a few three-dimensional object, like his trowel. Of particular interest are his political manuscripts which shed light on a little known facet of Blegen, that of his concern with the politics of Greece and her relations with the United States. Also of important note is that in 1945-1946 Blegen joined the U.S. Department of State at Athens. Finally, the Miscellaneous Series includes some of his books, and books written by his brother Theodore (Ted) Blegen. His archaeological books were given to the ASCSA Library, while his and Elizabeth's collection of mystery novels is currently housed at Loring Hall (the School’s hostel). His large collection of Greek books was given to the University of Cincinnati.
Series VI: Photographs includes photos of Blegen himself, his wife, family and friends, as well as photographs taken during his several trips, such as the European trip with Emerson Swift in 1913-1915 (see Youthful Rambles. On the Trail of the Classics, 1912-1915 [California 1975] by Emerson Swift), the island cruise of 1923 with the ASCSA members, and his trips to Macedonia, as a Red Cross representative.
BOX 1: Excavation Reports and manuscripts
Folder 1
Excavation Reports and Notes (Argive Heraeum[1927-28]; Corinth[1926]; Hagiorgitika[1928]; Hymettus, Nemea, Phlious[1924]; Korakou, Gonia; Kyparissi)
Folder 2
Excavation Reports and Notes (Pylos; Troy; Yiriza; Zygouries (1922), Zygouries, Hagiorgitika, and Mount Hymettus [1922])
Folder 3
Pylos Tablets
Folder 4
Manuscripts (“Corinthian History of the Dorian Invasion”; “Overland Communication in Greece during LH III”; “Pottery as Evidence for Trade and Colonization in the Aegean Bronze Age”; “The Date of the Treasury of Atreus”; and part of manuscript on the location of Ephyra)
Folder 5
Manuscripts (“Helladika,” “Pylos”)
Folder 6
Manuscripts (“Two Athenian Grave Groups of about 900 BC,” cf. Hesperia 21 (1952) 279-294.
Folder 7
Manuscripts (on Troy)
Folder 8
Book Reviews, Photographic Lists
Folder 9
Various Notes
Box 2: Offprints
Box 3: Journals and Notebooks
* Trip to Central Greece (8 - 22 October 1910); and Various Topographical Notes
* Northern Trip (Nov. 1911)
* Lecture Notes - Foreign Schools (1911-12)
* Trip to the Cyclades (4 - 10 May 1912)
* Northern Trip (Oct. 1912)
* Epigraphy Notes (1911); Draft of Fellowship Report (1912)
* Lecture Notes (11 Dec. 1912 -5 March 1913)
* Trip to Thessaly and Macedonia (3-28 Aug. 1917); including photo record.
* 1917 Corinth Accounts, Erechtheum Frieze
* Peloponnesian Trip 1921; Erechtheum Frieze (including photographic record 1921 & 1922)
* Northern and Southern Trips (1922): See Blegen's excavation notebook for the Sanctuary of Zeus at Hymettus (1939) [ExcRec 013]
* ASCSA Accounts (1922-1926)
* Notes on Archaeology of Southern Acropolis
* Athenian History Notes
* Bibliography: History of Corinth
* Sources of History of Corinth I
* Sources of History of Corinth II
* History of Corinth: Mythical to Dorians
* Prosopographic Study of Ancient Corinth
* Corinthian Notes
Box 4: Diaries (1913-1919)
Folder 1
1. Trip to Europe (July 1 - September 30, 1913)
2. October 1 - December 31, 1913
3. January 1 - February 26, 1914
Folder 2
4. Trip to the Dodecanese (March 5-16, 1914)
5. [1914] Notes on the “building addition of 1914”
6. December 20, 1914 - February 27, 1915
Folder 3
7. December 20, 1914 - August 7, 1915
8. August 8, 1915 - March 13, 1916 (including notes on Prehistoric Sites/Corinthia)
Folder 4
9. November 1, 1916 - April 1, 1917 (including photographic record for 1917; and manuscript on Allied Policy in Greece in 1915)
10. Athens (Erechtheum) and Corinth (Photographic record 1914-1916)
11. August 3-28, 1917 (including photo record 1917)
12. Cash Account 1917-1920; includes list of rugs
Folder 5
13. Northern Greece with the American Red Cross, Nov. 6 - Dec. 3, 1918; and unedited transcription
14. Northern Greece with the American Red Cross, Jan.10 - May 17, 1919; and unedited transcription (loose document titled "Demir Hissar and villages in district. Number of persons needing help (food and clothing). Jan. 21, 1919)
Folder 6
15. April 1922 (notebook probably kept during the Colophon Excavations; contents include learning Turkish, copying inscriptions, accounts, etc.)
Note: For more information on Blegen’s involvement with the Red Cross, see Jack L. Davis, “The American School of Classical Studies and the Politics of Volunteerism,” in Philhellenism, Philanthropy, or Political Convenience? American Archaeology in Greece, ed. Jack L. Davis and Natalia Vogeikoff-Brogan, Hesperia 82:1, 2013.
Box 5: Diaries (1947 - 1971); not all years are represented (e.g., no diaries from 1951, 1966, 1969 and 1970)
Box 6: Institutional (Companies, Museums, Institutes, Universities) A - B
Folder 1
Harry N. Abrams, Inc.
Adams & Peck
Acres of Books
Aldine Publishing Company
Active Athens
Allegheny College
American Academy in Rome
American Academy of Arts & Sciences
American Association of University Professors
American Association of University Women
American Council of Learned Societies
American Express
American Farm School of Thessalonica
Folder 2
American Historical Association & American Historical Review (Boyd Shafer)
American Journal of Archaeology (Richard Stillwell)
American Numismatic Society
American Philological Association
American Philosophical Society
Folder 3
American Red Cross
Folder 4
American Research Institute in Turkey
ASCSA & ASCSA Auxiliary Fund
American School of Oriental Research in Jerusalem
American Women’s Organization in Greece
Folder 5
Anatolia College (Thessaloniki)
Anglo-Hellenic Tours
Ankara Museum
Antioch College (Yellow Springs, OH)
The Archaeological Club
Archaeological Institute of America
Armour and Company
Art and Archaeology
Arthaud (Libraire-editeur)
Associate Alumnae of Vassar College
Association International d’Archeologie Classique
Athene Magazine
Folder 6
Athenium Publishers
Athens College
Athens Police Department
Augsburg College
Austrian Archaeological Institute (Vienna)
Bankers Trust Company
Barnes and Noble
B.T. Batsford, Ltd.
Battelle Memorial Institute
George Biraziller, Inc.
The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc.
Bollingen Foundation
The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
British Council
British Museum
British School of Archaeology
Bucknell Review
Heinrich Burk Buchhandlung
Box 7: Institutional (Companies, Museums, Institutes, Universities) C - Q
Folder 1
Cambridge Ancient History
Cambridge University
Carleton College (Northfield, Minn.)
Cincinnati Art Museum
The Cincinnati Enquirer
Cincinnati Scholarship Foundation
The Clarendon Press
The Classical Bulletin (St. Louis University)
The Classical Journal
The Classical Weekly
College Year in Athens
Folder 2
Columbia University
Committee on International Exchange of Persons
Committee to Honor Professor A.D. Keramopoullos
Congres International d’Archeologie Classique (IX)
Congress International of Classical Studies (III, IV)
Congresso Internazionale di Archeologia (VII)
Connecticut General Life Insurance Co.
Constantinople Women’s College
Cosmos Club
Cullen & Dykman (re: John Thallon)
Danish Royal Academy of Fine Arts
Deutsches Archaologisches Institut
Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin (see Mitteilungen des Instituts für Orientforschung)
Directory of American Scholars
Doxiades Associates
Dutch Classical Society
Folder 3
Ecole francaise d’Athenes
Encyclopedia Britannica
The English-speaking Union of the Common Wealth
Ephoreia Herakleion
Ephoreia Olympia
Europa Publications
Evans Brothers, Ltd.
Faber and Faber
Feuardent Freres
Field Travel Service, Inc.
Fifth and Third Union Trust Co.
First International Congress of Mycenaeology
Fitrol Corporation
W. & G. Foyle, Ltd.
Friends of the Gennadius Library
Friends of Greece Relief Distribution
Friends of the National Archaeological Museum
Garden House Hotel, London
Gennadius Library
Greek American Cultural Institute
Greek Archaeological Service (re: G. Papathanassopoulos)
Folder 4
Greek Embassy, Washington
Greek Humanitarian Society
Walter de Gruyter & Co.
J.S. Guggenheim Memorial Foundation
Harper & Row, Publishers
Harrasowitz, Otto
Harvard University (Fogg Museum of Art)
Haverford College (Haverford, PA)
Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion (Nelson Glueck)
W. Heffer & Sons, Ltd.
Hellenic Traveller’s Club
Historia, Victor Ehrenberg Bibliography
Historical & Philosophical Society of Ohio
Hospital Care Insurance
Hotel Cavandish, London
Folder 5
Illinois Classical Conference
Illustrated London News (Edward Bacon)
IN/SYNC Productions
Indiana University
Institute of International Education
Instituto per gli studi micenei ed egeo-Anatolici
Internal Revenue Service
International Council of Museums
International Nickel Company of Canada,Ltd.
The Israel Museum (Jerusalem)
International Social Service
Istanbul American College
Istanbul Archaeological Museum
Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana (Ranuccio Bianchi Bandinelli)
Italian Embassy
The Jacques Cattell Press
Joint Library of the Hellenic & American Societies
The Kingsley Hotel, London
Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.
Kalamata Library
Lake Forest College
Lake Placid Club
Library of Congress
The Literary Club of Cincinnati
London Electrotype Agency
Louvre, Palais du (Musees Nationaux)
Folder 6
Macalester College
MacMillan & Co.
A.H. Marquis Co.
Meriden Gravure Co.
Merrill Lynch (Harold Hugo)
Methuen & Co. Ltd. Publishers
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Ministry of the President, Department of Antiquities
Ministry of Religion and Public Education (Ministry of Culture)
Minnesota Alumnai Association
Mitteilungen des Instituts fur Orientforschung
Mount Holyoke College
The National Archaeological Museum, Athens
The National Bank of Greece and Athens
The National Ministry of Children and Orphans
Folder 7
New York University
Nomarchia of Argolid and Corinthia
Nomarchia of Nauplion
The Northern Assurance Company
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance
W.W. Norton Co. Inc. Publishers
Numismatic Museum
The Ohio Classical Conference
Ohio Medical Indemnity
Ohio, State of, Department of Taxation
Orientalisches Seminar der Universitat
Oxford University Press
Oxford Classical Dictionary
Pall Mall Press
Parker and Son (Booksellers)
Peerless Camera Store
Cleng Peerson Memorial Fund Committee
Penguin Books
Phi Beta Kappa
Phoenix Assurance Co.
Polish Academy
Princeton University Press
Propeller Club
The Putney School
Box 8: Institutional (Companies, Museums, Institutes, Universities) R - Z
Folder 1
George Rainbird Limited
Rand McNally and Company
Random House, Inc.
Rathbone Books Limited
Reviews on File
Rockefeller Foundation
Rolscreen Company
Royal Sailing Club of Greece
Scuola Archeologia Italiana
S.S. Pierce Co.
St. Andrew’s Church Committee
St. Paul’s Anglican Church
A.G. Sandoz Publishers
Saturday Evening Post
Scientific American
Scribner’s Sons
Sigma Xi
Smith College
Social Security Administration
Society of Antiquaries of London
Folder 2
Society of Antiquity Lovers
Society for the Care and Repair of Monuments in Turkey
Society of Cretan Historical Studies
Society for Historical and Educational Research on Crete
Soprintendenza alle Antichita Firenze
Southern Connecticut State College
Standard Oil Company of New York
Swedish Academy, Nobel Committee
Swedish Institute
Swedish Royal Academy of Letters, History, and Antiquities
Teacher’s Insurance and Annuity Association of America
The Texas Company
Thames & Hudson, Ltd.
Thomas Cook & Son
W. Stuart Thompson, Architect, A.I.A. and Associates
Time Magazine
Toledo Museum of Art
Toronto Star Weekly
Travel Bureau, Inc.
The Triopian Foundation
Turkey, President of
Folder 3
Unione Tipografico
U.S. Department of Commerce
U.S. Educational Foundation
U.S. Embassy, Athens
U.S. Embassy, Turkey
United States Information Service
Universitat Heidelberg
Universitat Tubingen
Universite de Lige
University of Aberdeen
University of Athens
University of California (Library)
University of Cincinnati (& Club)
University of Illinois (Library)
University of London
University of Michigan
University of Michigan Press
University of Minnesota (& Alum. Assoc.)
University of Pennsylvania (& Univ. Museum)
University Press Cambridge
University World Cruise
Folder 4
Vassiliades & Theofanides, Studebaker Agency
Visual Publications, Ltd.
Volos Archaeological Museum
Walters Art Gallery
Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft
Yale University (& Club)
Zachariou Foundation
Box 9: Individuals A - B
Folder 1
Abbott, Kenneth
Abercanway, Lord
Abramovitz, Kassie (Katherine)
Adams, Mr. and Mrs.
Adossides, Mrs. Elli
Adrock, F.E.
Afet, Bayan
Agard, Walter R. (to B. Hill)
Aign, Bernhard
Ailshie, W.K. (William)
Akerstrom, Ake
Akurgal, Ekrem
Alcorn, Jane
Aldrich, Harriet
Alexiou, S. (Stylianos)
Allen, J.T. (James)
Allen, W. Herbert (from Sumner Holbrook)
Alsop, Joseph
Altern, Arne
Folder 2
Amandry, Pierre
Amandry-Rebert, Anne-Marie
Amelung, Walther
Ames, Van Meter
Andronikos, Manoles
Androutsakis, D. (Dionyssios)
Angel, J. Lawrence
Antonakakis, Anthony
Antonopulos, Christ (DDS)
Apostolakis, John
Aring, Charles D. (MD)
Athanassiades, A.
Athanasiades, Eustr. and Hero (Ero)
Atkins, Mrs. Belle Clay Hancock
Aubreton, R.
Avery, Catherine
Avery, Myrtilla
Folder 3
Babbitt, Frank C.
Bacon, Francis
Baker, Hollis S. and M.
Bakoulis, Ioannis (see Hetty Goldman)
Balaphoutes, K.
Balascas, A.
Bancroft, Margaret
Barbour, Bob
Barbour, George and Dorothy
Barnum, Earl M.
Barto, Jane
Bartonek, A.
Bartsocas. Christos
Bassett, S.E. (Samuel)
Bastias, John C.
Bates, Fredrick O.
Bates, W.N. (William)
Beattie, A.J. (and from Homer Thompson and articles and statements referring to the Blegen/Beatties Linear B controversy)
Beazley, J.D.
Beazley, Marie
Folder 4
Becatti, Giovanni
Bechtel, K.K. (Kenneth) (and from travel agent)
Beckjord, Mary
Beckjord, Walter
Beer, Ethel S.
Bellinger, Alfred (and to J. Caskey and to the ASCSA Managing Committee)
Bengiz, A.
Benjamin, Anna
Bennett, Emmett (see also Nestor)
Bennett, Margaret (and from children)
Bennett, W. Tapley Jr.
Bentley, M. Julia
Benton, Sylvia
Berard, J. (Jean)
Bergal, Lynda
Bermingham, Tom
Folder 5
Biers, Bill
Biesantz, H.
Biran, A.
Bishop, Allison
Bittel, K.
Black, Anna S.
Blades, Brian
Blake, Marion
Bloomberg, Marguerite (and to B. Hill and from Oberlin)
Boardman, John
Boas, George
Boegehold, Alan L.
Boethius, Axel (“Bo”)
Bonner, Tom
Boubou, Helene
Boulter, Cedric (and from the University of Cincinnati)
Boulter, Pat
Bouphidis, N.
Bourberin, Konstantinos I.
Boutroy, Miss L. (Louie)
Boycott, Brian
Boyer, Esther
Bradeen, Don
Brady, Henrietta
Brakinou, S.G. (Sparti)
Brardt, William F.
Braunholtz, M. Herford
Brewster, David
Briggs, Ellis O.
Brini, M. Louise
Briskier, Arthur
Brockhaus, F.A.
Broneer, Oscar
Brown, Gary M.
Brown, J.
Brown, W.L.
Buck, Carl D.
B Unidentified
Box 10: Individuals C-F
Folder 1
Cabot, Maud B.
Caebros, Jimmy
Caldwell, Robert & Martha
Camerer, E.E. (Emil)
Cameron, Hamish
Camp, Edith
Camp, John
Canaday, Mariam
Canaday, Ward
Capps, Edward (kept separately)
Carpenter, Rhys
Carroll, Harry J.
Carson, Cary
Cash, Mary
Caskey, Betty
Caskey, L.D.
Catling, Hector
Cellarius, Charles
Folder 2
Chadwick, John (and articles and statements referring to the Blegen/Beattie Linear B controversy)
Charniak, Hyman
Chase, G.H. (and to and from others re: printing of Blegen's work)
Chase, Nancy
Child-Scoggin, Susan
Childe, V. Gordon
Christensen, Bernhard
Christopoulos, P.
Clarke, Eleanor P.
Clay, Edith
Cleator, P.E.
Clement, Paul A. (and from Evelyn Mohr)
Cole, Ashley T.
Cole, Edward
Collingwood, Teresa
Cook, John
Cook, Robert
Cottrell, Leonard
Cox, Dorothy H.
Crawford, Frederick C.
Creighton, David
Crossland, R.A. (Ronald)
Crous, Ernst
Cummer, W. Willson
Curtis, A. (and to B. Hill)
Curtis, C.D.
Czarnowski, John
Folder 3
Dall’Asta, Eberhard R.
Daniel, Glyn
Darras, Panagiota
Darrow, Dr.
Darrow, Karl
Daux, Georges
Davis, Homer
Davis, Marjorie
Davis, Mary C.
Davis, Philip
Davis, S.
Davison, J.A.
Dawkins, R.M.
DeCamp, John P.
De Jong, Effie
De Jong, Piet (and to Homer and receipts)
Delson, S.M.
Demetropoulos, Phronietta
Denman, Frank T. (and insert on Linear B)
Deroy, L. (Louis)
Desborogh, Vincent
Dewing, Arthur S.
Folder 4
Dickerman, Sherwood O.
Dickinson, Edwin
Diel, Garance
Dillon, Myles
Dinsmoor, William Jr.
Dinsmoor, William Sr. (and Interim Report to ASCSA, and petition to AIA listing requirements to fix the National Archaeological Museum)
Dinsmoor, Zillah (Mrs. William Sr.)
Diomis, Electra
Dohan, Edith A.
Donnelly, Joseph
Donovan, Bill
Dorig, J.
Dörpfeld, Wilhelm
Dorwin, John T.
Dow, Sterling
Doyle, Anne
Dragoumis, Philip
Draper, Isabelle
Draper, John W.
Droppers, Seton R.
Dunbabin, T.J.
Durbin, Thomas
Durrell, Richard
Dutcher, George Matthew
Duyuran, RŸstem
Edmonson, Colin
Edson, Charles F.
Edwards, Roger
Ehrenberg, Victor
Eisenhardt, Dr. Ewald
Elderkin, G.W.
Elliadi, Mr.
Eliot, C. William J.
Else, Gerald F.
Ephron, Henry D.
Erhardt, John G.
Espy, Wallace
Evans, Arthur (copy)
Evans, Elizabeth
Evjen, Harold P.
Evrard-Garbe, Georges
Ewald, Dr. F.
Eyland, Priscilla S.
Folder 5
Fant, Jesse E.
Fassin, Gretchen
Felsch, Rainer
Fischer, Sara (and from J. Caskey)
Flanagan, John T.
Fleischmann, Julius
Ford, George H.
Foster, Elsie
Fowler, H. (Harold) (and notes on Erechtheum Frieze)
Fox, W. Sherwood
Franchot, C.P.
Frankenfurter, Estelle S. (and from her sister)
Frantz, Alison
Freienmuth von Helms, Johann C.
French, David
French, Elizabeth (Wace) (and notes on pottery from Pylos)
Frick, William M.
Fry, Varian
Furumark, Arne
Box 11: Individuals G-L
Folder 1
Gale, Oliver M.
Galland, Georgette
Gallavotti, Carlo
Gandert, O.F.
Garland, Paul
Geerlings, Gerald K.
Gejvall, Nils-Gustof
Georgacas, Demetrius J.
Gialouris, Nikos
Giannestras, N.J. (MD) (Nicholas)
Gill, Margaret A.V.
Gillieron, E., fils
Gilman, Margaret (and to B. Hill)
Glubok, Shirley
Glueck, Nelson (see Hebrew Union College)
Goethert, F.W.
Goldman, Hetty (and notes on excavation at Colophon and notes and lists - Ioannis Bakoulis)
Gomme, Arnold
Gordon, Cyrus
Grace, Virginia
Graham, J. Walter
Green, Hilary M.N.
Greenbaum, M. (Meyer)
Greene, James
Greenwalt, Crawford
Gulick, Charles
Gunst, Mrs. H.W.
Folder 2
Haag, Herbert
Hadjilazarou, Irene
Hafner, Victor L.S.
Haight, Miss
Haley, J.B. (and to B. Hill)
Haley, Nancy
Hambridge, Joy
Hamlyn, Ralph
Hammond, Mason
Hammond, Nicholas
Hammond, Susan
Hanfmann, George
Hardinge, Constance
Harissiadis, Dimitrios
Harland, J.P.
Harris, Roger
Harrison, Evelyn
Harrison, Wallace K.
Hartley, Betty
Harwood, Josephine
Hasluck, Margaret
Hatch, W.H.P.
Haugen, Bette
Haugen, Mr. and Mrs. W.S. (Fern)
Hawthorne, John G. (and request for research grant, Isthmus)
Hayes, John
Heilbron, Bertha
Heinsch, Dr.
Helland, Irene
Higgins, Reynold
Hill, Bert H. (kept separately)
Hill, Priscilla Capps (and from Martin Shallenberger)
Hiller, Virginia B.
Hoenigswald, Henry M.
Hoffmeyer, Ada Bruhn
Holbrook, W. Sumner Jr.
Hollister, John B. (and poem)
Homans, Mary A.
Hood, Sinclair
Hope, Rosemary
Hoppin, Eleanor D.
Hoppin, Joseph Clark
Houston, Oscar R. (Standard Oil Company of New Jersey)
Hoverstad, Torstein
Hroznà, Bedèich
Hubbe, Rolf
Hughes-Brock, Mrs. Helen
Hugo, Harold
Hull, Ramona
Huxley, George L.
Folder 3
Iacovidis, Spyros (and CV)
Immerwahr, Henry
Ingholt, Harald
Irmscher, J.
Izant, Grace Goulder
Jacoby, Claude
Jaffee, Robert I. (and to Plenderlief and bronze analysis)
James, Edward M.
Jameson, Michael
Janus, Christoper G.
Johnson, Allan C.
Johnson, Franklin P.
Johnson, Philip
Johnston, Mary E.
Jolly, Alison Bishop
Jones, Dramin D.
Jones, Howard M. (poem)
Jones, Leslie W.
Jones, Pamela
Jordan, Imelda M.
Jullien, Kathryn
Kahn, Mr.
Kalogeropoulou, Athina
Kambuts, Zigrida
Kandaki, Anastasia
Kanter, Helene J.
Karageorghis, Vassos
Karo, Georg
Karouzos, Christos
Karouzou, Semni Papaspyrides
Kasadami, I.and D.
Kates, George N.
Katzenellengoben, Adolf
Keagy, W.R. (“Bob”)
Kelley, Dana
Kelly, William
Kelsey, Francis (and to Bert H. Hill)
Kenna, Rev. E.V.S.
Kilby, Charles H.
King, Lida Shaw
Kittredge, Bill (& Caryl)
Kleve, Knut
Kohler, Ellen
Kokonis, Aziza (and invoices)
Kolar, Albert R. (M.D.)
Korecky, Dr. M.
Kondoleon, Alexander
Kontis, Ioannis
Kosay, Dr. Hamit Z.
Kosmopoulos, Leslie (see also Walker, Alice Leslie)
Kourebanas, Panayotis
Kourouniotis, Konstantinos
Kousoulas, Christos J.
Ktistopoulos, K.
Krorec, Andrej
Kurumu, Turk Tarih
Kyparissiotis, Leda
Kyparissiotis, Niobe
Kyriakides, Aristides
Folder 4
Lamb, Winifred
Landeau, Jeanette K.
Landsverk, Vidar
Lang, Mabel (and to Mr. Peckham and to M. Rawson and lecture notes)
Langdon, Merle
Langsam, Geoffrey
Langsam, Julie
Langsam, Walter
Lansdale, Herbert
Lapp, Paul W.
Larkin, Edwin & Florence
Larsen, Jakob
Lattimore, Dick
Lawson, Carol Skinner
Leanti, Margaret Bliss
Lee, Caroline
Lee, Charles W.
Lee, Lt. Gen. John C.H.
Lehman, Karl
Levi, Doro Anna
Levillain, Mr. Jean
Lewis, Helene M.
Lindabury, Dick
Lippincott, Virginia
Lissner, Ivar
Litton, Albert
Loeb, Hermann
Logan, John G.
Long, Pamela
Loomis, Julia
Lorandos, N.I.
Lord, Louis (re:Shirley Weber) (and minutes and program of Managing Committee meetings)
Lord, Mary Louise
Lotspeich, C.M. (Claude)
Lotspeich, William D. (MD)
Ludington, Morris H.
Lulofs, J.D.
BOX 12: Individuals M-P
--Folder 1
MacKendrick, Paul
MacLean, Angus
MacMahon, Robert C.
Macurdy, Grace
MacVeagh, Lincoln
Malone, Kemp
Manton, G.R.
Marinatos, Spyridon
Marsh, Mr. and Mrs. George Henry
Martin, C.B. (and to B. Hill)
Martin, Dorothy (and receipt from C. Blegen)
Mason, Laurens D.
Masson, Olivier
Matsagou, Antonia
Matson, Fred (and business card)
Matteau, Martha
Matz, F. (Friedrich)
Mavris, N.G. (Nicholas)
Mavroulia, Sapho
Mayfield, Frank H. (MD)
McCabe, Gertrude
McCauley, Leo P.
McCormick, Richard P.
McCredie, James R.
McDonald, Bill (and reference to Guggenheim)
McDonald, Sue
McDonald, Mrs. William (Lib)
McGiffert, Arthur C.
McGregor, Ian
McGregor, Malcolm
McKay, Donald C.
McNeal, R.A.
--Folder 2
Megaw, Peter
Mellink, Machteld
Mendell, C.W. (Clarence)
Mercer, Ernestine E. (and to B. Hill)
Meritt, Ben
Meritt, Lucy Shoe
Merkel, Edward
Merrett, T.H.
Meyer, Ernst
Meyer, Karl E.
Miller, Helen Hill
Miller, Stephen
Miller, Walter
Mitchell, W.A.
Mitford, T.B.
Monoury, Pierre
Montgomery, Henry C.
Morgan, Charles H.
Morley, S.W.
Morse, Cora
Mortensen, Gerda
Mourikis, S. (Spyros)
Muhlstein, Hugo
Murrill, R.
Myers, Hobart
Mylonas, George
Myres, J. L.
--Folder 3
Nestor, John J.
Neuestadter, Eleanor
Nilsson, Martin P.
Noe, Sydney
Nolan, J.T.
Nutting, Willis D.
Nyce, Fletcher
Nye, Irene
Oakley, Horace
Ochsenschlager, Edward
Olin, Per
Olivier, Jean-Pierre
Oppenheim, Baron Max von (and business card)
Orlandos, A.
Osborn, Dr. Dale P.
Outcalt, R. Franklin
Overbeck, John C.
Packard, Emma
Page, Denys
Paine, Mrs. H.S.
Pallis, Alexander
Palmer, C.R.
Palmer, Hazel
Palmer, Leonard (and a speech)
Palmer, Walter
Pangopoulos, Charis
Papadakis, N.
Papademos, D.
Papadimitriou, John (and Mrs.)
Papadopoulos, A.J.
Papahadjis, Mr.
Papaioannou, D., P., I. & G. (and from C. Blegen and B.Hill)
Papaspyrides, Semni (see Karouzou)
Papastavrou, J.S.
Papathanasopoulos, George
Papigkis, Ioannis
Paraskevaidis, Miltis
Parker, Wyman and Jane
Parsons, Arthur and Gladys
Paton, J.M.
Patten, Henry J.
--Folder 4
Pealey, John
Pearson, Lionel
Pendlebury, John
Perdike, Demosthenes K.
Perrin, Lester
Perry, E.D.
Peruzzi, Emilio
Petrococlusio, D.P.
Petsas, Photios M.
Pettapiece, M.C. (D.O.)
Philinos, F.
Philippides, Mary Zelia
Picard, Charles
Pisani, E.
Pocock, L.G.
Pogue, Faye
Pomerance, Mr.
Popovitch, Dr. Vladislav
Port, George
Posner, E.
Poulitsas, Panyotis
Pratt, Laura Parsons
Pratt, Norman T.
Priestly, Jacquetta
Prindle, Lester M.
Putnam, Michael C.J.
Quatrepoint, Robert (see Renouard, Pierre for Blegen’s response)
Box 13: Individuals R-T
--Folder 1
Rabnett, Jane
Rackall, Mary Earle
Raison, Jacques
Ramage, Edwin S.
Rambo, Eleanor F.
Rankin, Carl & Pauline
Raubitschek, Toni & Isabelle
Rawson, Marion (kept separately)
Rawson, Dorothy (kept separately)
Reeves, Charles H. (and to C. Mohrmann from C. Blegen)
Reisner, George A.
Renfrew, Colin
Renfrew, Jane M.
Renourd, Pierre (and Quatrepoint, Robert)
Rhomaios, K.A.
Richter, Curt
Richter, Gisela
Ridgway, Mrs. Henry Wright (Bruni)
Ridley, Michael
Riis, P.J.
--Folder 2
Robinson, C.A. Jr.
Robinson, D.M. (David)
Robinson, Henry S.
Robinson, Howard
Robinson, Rebecca
Roebuck, Carl
Rosing, Gisela
Rowe, Stan
Russell, Mary E.
Russell, Sandra L.
Ryberg, Inez Scott
Ryder, Osborne H.
--Folder 3
Sagmaster, Joe
Sakellarakis, Yannis
Sakellariou, Dr.
Saloway, Robert (Blegen responded to Solomon)
Sample, Mrs. Frances L.
Sanborn, Cyrus Ashton & Agnes
Sandeen, Ernest
Santa-Olalla, Julio Martinez
Schaal, Hans
Schachermeyr, Fritz
Schaeffer, C.
Scharer, J.
Schmitt, D.A.
Schoder, R.
Scobie, Ronald M.
Scoufopoulos, Niki
Seager, Henry
Seager, R.B. (Richard) (see McGabe, G. his mother)
Sears, Sarah C.
Sedgwill, A.C.
Semple, W.T.
Seraphetinides, Ser. E.
Setton, Kenneth
Severyns, A.
Shafer, Robert (with J. Caskey?)
Shapiro, Nancy R.
Shaw, J. Howland
Shaw, Joseph W.
Shawe, Wilfred H.
Shear, T. Leslie
Shear, T. Leslie Jr.
Shearing, Ann E.
Sheffield, Sam
Sherratt, A.G.
Shipley, Charles W.
Shirer, Mrs. William (Tess)
Shoe, Lucy (see Merritt, Lucy Shoe)
--Folder 4
Simpson, Jenny and Dick Hope
Sinclair, Gregg
Sinker, Paul (and from R.A. Close, British Council representative)
Sirkin, Helen and Abe (see Marinatos for a copy of a reply to Mrs. Sirkin)
Sittig, Ernst (German article)
Skarshaug, E.C.
Smith, Chard Powers (and article of Pylos)
Smith, Emil
Smith, Mildred (see University of Cincinnati)
Smith, Peter (Petros)
Smith, Watson
Smithson, Evelyn
Snowden, Frank M. Jr.
Snyder, John W.
Sorrell, Alan
Sotiriou, G.D.
Sperling, Jerome
Sperling, Patsy
Spitzer, Carl B.
Spitzer, Doreen Canaday
Steach, George
Steffler, Reinhard
Stella, L.A.
Stern, Joseph Jr.
Stevens, Gorham P.
Stewart, Zeph
Stillwell, Richard
Stinton, T.C.W.
Stow, Lloyd
Stratou, Dora
Strosetzki, Dr. Norbert
Stroud, Ronald
Stubbings, Frank
Sturgess, John
Styrenius, Dr.
Su, Kamil
Summers, R.E.
Sundwall, Johannes
Swift, E.H. (Emerson) (and to E.M. Antoniades)
Swindler, M.H.
Syriopoulos, C.T.
--Folder 5
Taft, Fran (Mrs. Seth)
Taft, Robert Jr.
Talbot, Phillips & Mildred
Talbot, Susan
Talcott, Lucy
Tavarez, Vera and Manuel
Taylor, Lily Ross
Taylor, O.E. (Otis Ellery)
Taylour, The Lady Millicent
Taylour, Lord William (and from M. Rawson for C. Blegen)
Thaw, Jeanette (to E. Blegen)
Thayer, J. Appleton
Themelis, Petros G.
Theocharis, D. (Dimitrios P.)
Thomas, Hylton A.
Thompson, Dorothy Burr
Thompson, Glenn & Margaret
Thompson, Homer A. (and to W. Canaday, J. Caskey, A. Frantz, P. de Jong and trip itinerary for 8/1970)
Thompson, Stuart (and Gladys)
Thornton, Joan
Titus, Georgianne
Todd, Otis Johnson
Toll, Charles
Toll, Richard (and family)
Topping, Peter
Trahman, Carl
Travlos, John
Tritsch, F.J.
Trufant, Samuel A. (MD)
Tsakona, Magdalen
Tselios, K and N. (Christos and Nikolaos)
Turner, E.G. (Eric)
Tytus, Margo
Tzini, G. (Georgios)
Box 14: Individuals T-Z (including unindentified)
--Folder 1
Ure, Percival
Valmin, Natan
Van Buren, A.W. (and to B. Hill)
van der Osten, H.H.
Vanderpool, Eugene
van Dijk, A.
Van Ingen, Ruth E.
Van Pelt, John V.
Vaughan, Agnes Carr
Vaughan, W.S.
Vazquez, Antonio N. Briceno
Veale, Douglas (and instructions to Honour Graduates - Oxford)
Ventris, Michael
Vermeule, Emily
Verrier, Lindsay
Vincent, Louise P.
Vogelstein, Ludwig
Vucetic, Aristid
Vorgias, I.N. (Βοργιάς, Ι.Ν.)
--Folder 2
Wace, Alan (and to B. Hill, and report of excavations at Mycenae); also folder with photocopies of letters from Alan Wace to Carl Blegen
Wace, Helen Pence
Walker, Alice Leslie (and from Cosmopoulos, and report of excavations at Corinth)
Walker, Bill
Walker, John and D.D.
Wallace, Paul W.
Walter, Otto
Walters, Dorothy
Walton, Alice
Walton, Frank
Wannemacher, W.L.
Ward, Pauline
Warren Jr., James E.
Warrington, G.H. (George)
Washington, Henry S.
Watt, Thomas
Weber, Roland von
Weinberg, Gladys
Weinberg, Saul
Weld, A.W.
Weller, C.H.
West, Allen B.
West, Andrew
Weston, Arthur H.
Weston, Gertrude
--Folder 3
Wheeler, Mortimer
White, J.C.
White, Paul Dudley
Whittaker, G. Howard
Whittall, Cedric G.
Whittall, G.
Whittemore, Thomas
Wiencke, Matthew
Wilber, Allen S.
Williams, Charles K.
Williams, E. Watson (MD)
Williams, ? (1914)
Wilson, Lillian M.
Wilson, Peggy
Winters, Robert K.
Wiseman, James
Wogec, Mary Frances B.
Wolf, C. Umhau
Woodbury, Leonard
Woodhouse, A.G.
Woodward, A.M.
Woodward, Hamish
Woolner, E.K. esq.
Workman, John Rowe
Wrightsman, Charles and Jane
Wulfing, John Max
Wulsin, Lucien
Wyatt, Natalie M. (Gifford)
Wyatt, William
Wyman, Mrs. Frances
Xanthoudides, Stephanos
Young, J. Donald
Young, Rodney
Zaimis, Salome
Zamarovsky, Vojtech
Zervis, Nikos I.
Zervos, C. (Christian)
Zeydel, Edwin H.
Zoras G.T.
--Folder 4
Unidentified (by first or possible last name)
--Folder 5
Unidentified (by year and undated)
--Folder 6
Unidentified (in Greek)
Box 15 Correspondence with E. Capps and J. Caskey
1 E. Capps (1919-1921)
2 E. Capps (1922-1923)
3 E. Capps (1924-1925)
4 E. Capps (1926-1929)
5 J. Caskey (1939-1959)
6 J. Caskey (1960-1965)
7 J. Caskey (1966-1970)
Box 16 Correspondence with B. H. Hill and Ida Thallon Hill
1 B.H. Hill (1912-1914)
2 B.H. Hill (1920-1923)
3 B.H. Hill (1924-1925)
4 B.H. Hill (1926-1929)
5 B.H. Hill (1930-1939)
6 B.H. Hill (1940-1958 & Undated)
7 Ida Thallon Hill
Box 17 Correspondence with Marion and Dorothy Rawson
1 M. Rawson (1939-1959)
2 M. Rawson (1960-1962)
3 M. Rawson (1963-1965)
4 M. Rawson (1966-1970 & Undated)
5 D. Rawson (1957-1969)
6 Letters to M. Rawson (1960 and 1970)
Box 18
1 Letters from his mother and father (1911-1912)
2 Letters from his mother and father (Jan. - June 1913)
3 Letters from his mother and father (July - Dec. 1913)
4 Letters from his mother and father (Jan. - June 1914)
5 Letters from his mother and father (July - Dec. 1914)
6 Letters from his father (1924-1928)
Box 19
1 Letters from his mother and father (Jan. - June 1915)
2 Letters from his mother and father (July - Dec. 1915)
3 Letters from his mother and father (March - June 1916)
4 Letters from his mother and father (July - Oct. 1916)
5 Letters from his mother and father (1918)
6 Letters from his mother and father (1922-1924)
Box 20
1 Letters from Hallward Blegen (1912-1924)
2 Letters from J.E. & Ida Blegen (1913-1963)
3 Letters from Theodore C. Blegen (1912-1927)
4 Letters from Theodore C. and Clara Blegen (1948-1959)
5 Letters from Theodore C. and Clara Blegen (1960-1962)
6 Letters from Theodore C. and Clara Blegen (1963-1964)
7 Letters from Theodore C. and Clara Blegen (1965-1966)
8 Letters from Theodore C. and Clara Blegen (1967-1968)
9 Letters to Theodore C. and Clara Blegen (1964-1968)
Box 21
1 Letters from Anne Helene Blegen (1912-1919, 1924)
2 Letters from Anne Helene Blegen (1946-1960)
3 Letters from Anne Helene Blegen (1961-1965)
4 Letters from Anne Helene Blegen (1966-1970)
5 Letters from Martha Blegen (1911-1913)
6 Letters from Martha Blegen (1914-1919)
7 Letters from Martha Blegen (1924-1941)
8 Letters from Martha Blegen (1948-1956)
Box 22
1-2 Letters from Elizabeth Blegen (1923)
3 Letters from Elizabeth Blegen (1924)
4 Letters from Elizabeth Blegen (1928-1929)
5 Letters from Elizabeth Blegen (1931-1932)
6 Letters from Elizabeth Blegen (1933)
7 Letters from Elizabeth Blegen (1934-1935)
Box 23
1 Letters from Elizabeth Blegen (1936 -1937)
2 Letters from Elizabeth Blegen (1938 -1949, 1951)
3 Letters from Elizabeth Blegen (1952 -1954)
4 Letters from Elizabeth Blegen (1955 -1959)
5 Letters from Elizabeth Blegen (1960 -1961)
6 Letters from Elizabeth Blegen (1963 -1964)
7 Letters from Elizabeth Blegen (undated)
Box 24
Other Family and Friends
Folder 1
Augusta Olsen
Folder 2
Clara E. Blegen
Folder 3
Abrams, M.H.
Andronikitis, Anesti and Elpida
Archer, Laird
Blegen, Anne
Blegen, Dorothy
Blegen, Einar and Singrid
Blegen, Harald
Blegen, Robert
Blegen, Ted
Crum, Margie Blegen (Ted Blegen’s daughter)
Darley, Kathleen (Casey)
Helen (Elizabeth's niece)
Ginnstead, Molly
Gould, Cora
Grove, Robert M.
Kehoe, Lucile (Mrs. Robert M.)
Mayfield, Vicky
McConnell, Mae and Ruth
Palmer, Janice Blegen Hammer (see Spodick, Pearl Blegen)
Peterson, Douglas and Lois
Peterson, Olive
Pierce, Denny
Pierce, Mrs. William L. (“Mother Pierce”)
Potter, Emily
Folder 4
Ragchick, “Cousin”
Reinke, Harold and Ruth (Ruth is Harald Blegen’s daughter).
Roberts, Cornelia M.
Robertson, Lois and Gordon
Robinson, Rachel
Spodick, Pearl Blegen and Palmer
Svedonitch, Mrs. Slavca
Swenson, Alice
Taft, Mrs. Hulbert (Eleanor)
Wilder, B.
Wilson, Liz (Mrs. Russell)
Wright, E. Katherine
Wulsin, Mrs. Lucien (Peggy)
Box 25
1 Letters to his mother and father (1915 -1928)
2 Letters to Theodore C. Blegen (1908-1913)
3 Letters to Theodore C. and Clara Blegen (1958 -1960)
4 Letters to Theodore C. and Clara Blegen (1961)
5 Letters to Theodore C. and Clara Blegen (1962)
6 Letters to Theodore C. and Clara Blegen (1963)
7 Letters to Theodore C. and Clara Blegen (1964)
8 Letters to Theodore C. and Clara Blegen (1965)
Box 26
1 Letters to Theodore C. and Clara Blegen (1966)
2 Letters to Theodore C. and Clara Blegen (1967)
3 Letters to Theodore C. and Clara Blegen (1968)
4 Letters to Theodore C. and Clara Blegen (1969-1970)
5 Letters to Theodore C. and Clara Blegen from Elizabeth Blegen (1961)
6 Letters to Theodore C. Blegen from Anne H. Blegen (1931 and 1961)
7 Letters to Theodore C. and Clara Blegen from Anne H. Blegen (1961-1967)
8 Letters to Martha Blegen (1922-1939)
9 Letters to Martha Blegen (1940-1946)
10 Letters to Martha Blegen (1947-1950)
Box 27
1 Letters to Martha Blegen (1951-1953)
2 Letters to Martha Blegen (1954-1957)
3 Letters to Martha and Anne Blegen (1947-1954)
4 Letters to Martha Blegen from Elizabeth Blegen (1924-1953)
5 Letters to Martha Blegen from Anne H. Blegen (1931-1939)
6 Letters to Anne H. Blegen (1910-1970); folder also includes four letters to Anne after Carl's death in 1971
7 Letter to Anne H. Blegen from Elizabeth Blegen (1931-1961)
8 Letters to and from Anne H. Blegen (1959-1966)
9 Letters to the Robert Blegen family from Anne, Carl and Ida Blegen (1966)
10 Letters to Denny Pierce (1970-1971)
Box 28
Folders 1 -2: Political Manuscripts
“The United States and Greece (1948)”
“Geography and People of Greece”
“Politics and Political Parties in Greece”
“Constitution and Government of Greece”
Folder 3: Related Correspondence
Folder 4: Other manuscripts (e.g., “Early Impressions of Greece”)
Folder 5: Varia from CWB's personal library: [Note: kept in a separate box at the end of the collection]
1. Capps, Edward, The American Red Cross in Greece, Athens 1919
2. Υπουργείο Εσωτερικών. Πίναξ των Δήμων και Κοινοτήτων του κράτους. Αθήνα, 1914
3. Refugee Service Committee for Greece. Report 29 April 1951- 31 December 1952. Athens
4. Δημ. Σ. Μπαλάνου, Φραγκλίνος Ρούσβελτ, Αθήνα 1945
5. Επαγγελματικόν Δελτίον Συλλόγου Αποφοίτων Κολλεγίου Αθηνών. Τεύχος 30 – Ιούνιος 1955
6. Royal Ministry for Foreign Affairs. The Cyprus Question. Negotiations 4 October 1955 to 5 March 1956. Athens, 1956
7. Πανεπιστήμιον Θεσσαλονίκης. Έκθεσις πεπραγμένων κατά το πανεπιστημιακόν έτος 1950-1951. Θεσσαλονίκη, 1952
8. Typewritten lists with population numbers of Greek cities and villages. Δακτυλόγραφοι κατάλογοι με πληθυσμούς δήμων και κοινοτήτων: "Προσωρινά αποτελέσματα της Γενικής Απογραφής του πληθυσμού της 16ης Οκτωβρίου 1940"
9. ΦΕΚ 27 Μαρτίου 1925 "Περί ληπτέων υγειονομικών μέτρων προς καταπολέμησιν της ελονοσίας"
10. Αστυνομική διάταξις "Περί ληπτέων υγειονομικών μέτρων προς καταπολέμησιν της ελονοσίας" Κόρινθος, 12 Μαΐου 1925
11. ΦΕΚ "Περί εκτελέσεως του νόμου 2853 περί υδραυλικών εν γένει έργων"
12. ΦΕΚ 1 Απριλίου 1935
13. Ballots. Ψηφοδέλτια
14. Newspaper cutting - Christian Science Monitor, January 5, 1925. “Western Reserve Professor to Head Library at Athens”
15. Greek newspaper 'Eleftheria' Monday January 1, 1945. Εφημερίδα ‘Ελευθερία' Δευτέρα 1 Ιανουαρίου 1945
16. Leaflet titled: Έκκλησις. Κατηγορώ τον Διευθυντή της Σωματικής Αγωγής κ. Ευαγ. Καλφαρέντζον ως εχθρόν των Αρχαιολογικών χώρων της Σπάρτης και της Ιστορίας αυτής. Σπάρτη τη 2 Ιουνίου 1952 Ιωάννης Μακρής Σπαρτιάτης
Box 29
1 Birth Certificate
Passports (1919, 1921, 1923, 1926, 1927, 1937, 1955, 1959, 1963)
Bureau de Contr™le InteralliJ Laissez-Passer, 1917
Bureau de Contr™le, American Red Cross permit to travel in Greece, 1918
Monument Pass, Antiquities de l’Egypt, 1928 - 29
Olsen Family Tree from 1965 Reunion
Drawing of a sealstone with Blegen’s initials
2 Curriculum vitae, letters of introduction, awards, diplomas (including ψήφισμα της Φιλοσοφικής Σχολής του Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών περί της ανακηρύξεώς του CWB σε επίτιμο διδάκτορα, 1963 - honorary PhD), speeches, programs & announcements [oversize diplomas are kept separately]
3 Book contracts (Thames & Hudson, Cambridge Univ. Press)
4 Calling-cards, invitations, postcards, Christmas cards, Christmas list box [kept separately]
5 Travel mementoes
6 Pastel drawing of CWB by Julie Langsam (1958); Pencil drawing of man in costume by Phyllis K. Emmerson (1920)
7 “Poems to Order: Thera, June 17-21, 1928” by Robert Shelby Darbyshire
8 Pocket New Testament (1900); Church Youth Group booklet (1907-1908); Decennial Address Book, Class of 1908, Yale College
9 Old envelopes and stamps
Box 30
1 Household bills and other receipts. List of embroideries included.
2 Life insurance, retirement plan, tax files, medical bills
3 Bank statements, cheques, etc. [kept separately]
4 Augsburg Park Association
Box 31
Deaths of Bert Hodge Hill, Elizabeth Blegen, and Louise T. Semple
1 Bert Hodge Hill (will, sympathy letters, etc)
2-3 Elizabeth Blegen (certificates, letters and cards of sympathy, etc.)
4 Louise T. Semple
Box 32
Folders 1-5
Newspaper Clippings
Box 33
Three-dimensional Objects
* Italian leather folder with embossed and gilted decoration
* Trowel
* Keys to ASCSA Main Building & file cabinet
* Copy of linear B tablet
* Silver plate from Univ. of Cincinnati for service, 1927-57
* Distinguished Service Professor Pin from the Univ. of Cincinnati
* Silver kylix (displayed at the Director's House. One of two; the other which belonged to Alan Wace is currently in the possession of Eizabeth French)
Box 34
[on the shelves, not in boxes]
Books from the C.W. Blegen and E.P. Blegen Library:
1. A Land called Crete. A symposium in memory of Harriet Boyd Hawes 1871-1945, Smith College Studies in History XLV, 1968
[ex libris EPB & CWB]
2. Bennett, Emmett L. Jr., The Pylos Tablets. A Preliminary Transcription, Princeton University Press 1951
[ex libris EPB & CWB QA 047; 36259; signed CWB; annotated by CWB]
3. Bennett, E., J. Chadwick, M. Ventris & F.W. Householder, The Knossos Tablets. A Transliteration, BICS Supplement no 7, London 1959
[ex libris EPB & CWB]
4. Bennett, Emmett L., Jr. (ed.), Mycenaean Studies: proceedings of the Third International Colloquium for Mycenaean Studies held at "Wingspread," 4-8 September 1961, University of Wisconsin Press, 1964
[ex libris EPB & CWB]
5. Blegen, Carl W., Korakou: a prehistoric settlement near Corinth, ASCSA 1921
[ex libris EPB & CWB CO 015; 36263; signed Carl W. Blegen; in pencil “E.D. Pierce 216D”]
6. Blegen, Carl W., Zygouries: a prehistoric settlement in the valley of Cleonae, Harvard University Press, 1928
[ex libris EPB & CWB CO 016; 36269; signed with initials “E.P.B. with many thanks C.W.B.”]
7.1-2. Blegen, Carl W., Prosymna. The Helladic Settlement preceding the Argive Heraeum, 2 volumes, Cambridge University Press 1937
[ex libris EPB & CWB CO 033; 36267 & 36268; signed EPB]
8.1-2. Blegen, Carl W. & Marion Rawson (eds), The Palace of Nestor at Pylos in Western Messenia, Princeton University Press 1966, Part 1 Text, Part 2 Plates
[ex libris EPB & CWB CO 062; 36265; signed CWB]
8.3. Lang, Mabel L., The Palace of Nestor at Pylos in Western Messenia, vol. 2: The frescoes, Princeton University Press, 1969
[ex libris EPB & CWB CO 062; 36266; signed Carl W. Blegen]
9. Blegen, John R., Ul Derden for Kristus, Minneapolis 1911
[with dedication to Carl from his father in Norwegian, 1911]
10. Blegen, Theodore C., The “America Letters”, Oslo 1928
[signed with initials CWB]
11-12. Blegen, Theodore C., Grassroots History, The University of Minnesota Press 1947 (2 copies)
[one copy with dedication “To Carl from your devoted brother Ted”, the other signed by the author, brother of CWB]
13. Blegen, Theodore C. (ed.), Frontier Parsonage. The letters of Olaus Fredrik Duus Norwegian pastor in Wisconsin, 1855-1858, Northfield Minnesota 1947
14. Blegen, Theodore C., The Land lies Open, University of Minnesota Press 1949
[with dedication “To Carl and Elizabeth, from Ted”]
15. Blegen, Theodore C., Lincoln’s Imagery. A study in word power, La Crosse 1954
[with dedication “To Carl from Ted February 12, 1954”]
16. Blegen, Theodore C. (ed.), Land of their Choice. The Immigrants write home, The University of Minnesota Press 1955
[with dedication “To Carl and Elizabeth, from Ted”]
17. Blegen, Theodore C., Amerikabrev, Oslo 1958
[signed C.W. Blegen; Norwegian, written by CWB brother]
18. Blegen, Theodore C., Minnesota. A History of the State, University of Minnesota Press 1963
[with dedication “To Carl, from the home base, Ted”]
19. Blegen, Theodore C., Abraham Lincoln and his Mailbag. Two documents by Edward D. Neill, one of Lincoln’s secretaries, Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul 1964
[signed “CWB from Ted”]
20. Blegen, Theodore C., The Saga of Saga Hill, La Crosse 1970, with offprint of Minnesota History vol. 29:4 (1948), 289-299
[signed “Carl from Ted”]
21. Blegen, Theodore C. & Philip D. Jordan, With Various Voices, Saint Paul 1949
[signed “CWB from TCB”]
22. Blegen, Theodore C. & E.W. McDiarmid (eds), Sherlock Holmes: Master Detective, printed for The Norwegian Explorers, St. Paul & Minneapolis 1952
[with dedication “To Carl from Ted” [illegible place] 1952”]
23. Butler, Howard Crosby, Sardis, vol. I: The Excavations, part I: 1910-1914, Leyden 1922
[ex libris EPB & CWB CT 077; 36324; signed C. W. Blegen]
24. Chadwick, John, The Decipherment of Linear B, Cambridge University Press 1958
[ex libris EPB & CWB QA 042; 36230; with author’s dedication “To Professor C.W. Blegen with best wishes and many thanks, John Chadwick, September 1958”]
25. Chadwick, J. & J. T. Killen, The Knossos Tablets III, a transliteration of all the texts in Linear B script found at Knossos, Crete, based upon a new collation of photographs and originals, BICS Supplement no 15, London 1964
[ex libris EPB & CWB; signed with initials CWB]
26. Colloque International sur les Textes Mycéniens, Paris 1956
[ex libris EPB & CWB; with carte visite “”à Monsieur Blegen bien cordialement, Mihel Lejeune”; uncut]
27. Deroy, L., Initiation à l’ Épigraphie Mycénienne, Rome 1962
[ex libris EPB & CWB]
28.1-2. Dörpfeld, Wilhelm, Troja und Ilion: Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen in den Vorhistorischen und Historischen Schichten von Ilion 1870-1894, Athen Beck & Barth, 1902, [1 v. in 2] (I-II)
[ex libris EPB & CWB CT 018; 36294; signed C.W. Blegen, “Walter Leaf Athens 14 April 1903” and 36295 “Walter Leaf”]
29. Études Crétoises I, 1928: Chapouthier, Fernand and Jean Charbonneaux, “Fouilles exécutées à Mallia: Premier Rapport (1922-1924)”
[ex libris EPB & CWB]
30. Études Crétoises V, 1938: Chapouthier, Fernand, “Deux épées d’apparat découvertes en 1936 au palais de Mallia au cours des fouilles éxécuté.”
[ex libris EPB & CWB; signed with initials CWB]
31. Études Crétoises IX, 1953: Demargne, Pierre and Hubert Gallet de Santerre, “Fouilles exécutées à Mallia: Exploration des maisons et quartiers d’habitation (1921-1948).”
[ex libris EPB & CWB; “À Monsieur Blegen Respectueux homage des auteurs, Athènes, le 21 Juin 1953 H. Gallet de Santerre”]
32. Études Crétoises XIII, 1963: Effenterre, Henri van, “Fouilles exécutées a Mallia: Étude du site (1956-1957) par une mission archéologique de l’ Université de Caen sous la direction d’Henri van Effenterre et Exploration des nécropoles (1915-1928).”
[ex libris EPB & CWB; signed C. W. Blegen]
33.1-7. Evans, Arthur, The Palace of Minos at Knossos, vol. I, II in 2, III, IV in 2, Index, London 1930
[ex libris EPB & CWB CQ 150/80; vol. I: 36271; signed Ida Thallon Hill; vol. II.1: 36272; signed Elizabeth Blegen; vol. II.2: 36273; signed Elizabeth Blegen; vol. III: 36274; “Carl Blegen with kind regards from Arthur Evans”; vol. IV.1: 36275; vol. IV.2: 36276; “9 Plutarch St.” erased; index vol.: 36277]
34.1-2. Evans, A.J., Scripta Minoa: the written documents of Minoan Crete, with special reference to the archives of Knossos, vol. I, II, Oxford, vol. I 1909, vol. II 1952
[ex libris EPB & CWB QA 050; 36296-36297; vol. I: signed C. W. Blegen, “with the Author’s kind regards, December 1909”, vol. II: signed C. W. Blegen]
35. Hesperia 35:4 (1966)
[ex libris EPB & CWB 36246; Blegen's personal volume of the Festschrift that the ASCSA published and offered to him on the occasion of his 80th birthday, January 27, 1967]
36.1-6. Frazer, J.G., Pausanias’s Description of Greece in six volumes, 1913
[ex libris EPB & CWB RP 019/21 C; 36237; signed Elizabeth D. Pierce]
37. Gardiner, E. Norman, Greek Athletic Sports and Festivals, London 1910
[ex libris EPB & CWB MO 15.1; 36231]
38. Goldman, H., Excavations at Eutresis in Boeotia, Harvard University Press 1931
[ex libris EPB & CWB CH 086; 36301]
39.1-3. Gomme, Arnold W., A Historical Commentary on Thucydides, Oxford Clarendon Press 1945, [5 v.] (1, 2, 3)
[ex libris EPB & CWB RT 045/60; 36251: “9 Plutarch St. Athens 3 Sept. 1956”, 36252: “C. W. Blegen from AWG”, 36253: signed C. W. Blegen]
40. Hampe, Roland, Frühe Griechische Sagenbilder in Böotien, Athen 1936
[ex libris EPB & CWB LE 030; 36292]
41. Harrison, Jane Ellen, Prolegomena to the Study of Greek Religion, Cambridge University Press 1903
[ex libris EPB & CWB MQ 05; 36234]
42. Higgins, Reynold A., Minoan and Mycenaean Art, London 1967
[ex libris EPB & CWB; “With thanks and best wishes. Reynold Higgins”]
43.1-3. Karo, Georg, Schachtgräber von Mykenai, München 1933, Text (in 2 volumes) and Tafeln
[ex libris EPB & CWB CO 018.1; 36303; signed with initials CWB]
44. Karo, G., An Attic Cemetery, Philadelphia 1943
[ex libris EPB & CWB CL 089.1; 36258; “To Carl and Elizabeth Blegen in grateful friendship of old standing, George Karo, Athens-Cincinnati”]
45. Martha, J., L’Art Étrusque, Paris 1889
[ex libris EPB & CWB EV 05; 36316]
46.1. Mylonas, G., Excavations at Olynthus, Part I: The Neolithic Settlement, Baltimore 1929 [ex libris EPB & CWB CR 020; 36318; signed Carl W. Blegen]
46.2. Robinson, D.M., Excavations at Olynthus, Part II Architecture and Sculpture, Baltimore 1930
[ex libris EPB & CWB CR 020; 36319]
47. Nilsson, Martin P., The Mycenaean Origin of Greek Mythology, Sather Classical Lectures vol. 8, University of California Press 1932
[ex libris EPB & CWB LD 020; 36317; signed with initials CWB]
48. Norwegian-American Studies, vol. 21 (1962)
[with an article by C.C. Qualey on Theodore C. Blegen, CWB’s brother]
49. Palmer, L.R., Mycenaeans and Minoans. Aegean Prehistory in the Light of the Linear B Tablets, London 1961
[ex libris EPB & CWB QA 47.28; 36231; with author’s dedication “To C.W. Blegen in admiration L.R. Palmer”; with some notes in pencil]
50. Palmer, L.R. & J. Boardman, On the Knossos Tablets, Oxford 1963
[ex libris EPB & CWB; “C. W. Blegen from the authors”]
51. Payne, Humphry & Gerard Mackworth Young, Archaic Marble Sculpture from the Acropolis, London 1936
[ex libris EPB & CWB GE 08; 36320]
52. Persson, Axel, The Royal Tombs at Dendra, near Midea, Skrifter Utgivna av Kungl. Humanistiska Vetenskapssamfundet I Lund, Acta Reg. Societatis Humaniorum Litterarum Lundensis XV, 1931
[ex libris EPB & CWB CO 028.1; 36243; signed with initials CWB]
53.1-3. Pfuhl, Ernst, Malerei und Zeichnung der Griechen, München 1923, Band I, II, III
[ex libris EPB & CWB JA 023; 36321, 36322, 36323]
54. Σακελλαρίου, Α., Μυκηναϊκή Σφραγιδογλυφία, Athens 1966
[ex libris EPB & CWB; signed C. W. Blegen, “with the author’s compliments, A. Sakellariou”]
55. Schachermeyr, Fritz, Ägäis und Orient, Wien 1967
[ex libris EPB & CWB DK 024.4; 36235; with author’s dedication “Mit herzlichen Grüssen! Fritz Schachermeyr”]
56. Schliemann, Heinrich, Mycenae: A Narrative of researches and Discoveries at Mycenae and Tiryns, New York 1878
[ex libris EPB & CWB CO 21; 36261; signed ?. E. Hoffman 1878 (previous owner); with dedication "from Carl W. Blegen to Elizabeth Blegen"]
57. Schliemann, Heinrich, Ilios: the City and Country or The Trojans: the results of researchers and discoveries on the site of Troy and throughout the Troad in the years 1871-72-73-78-79, London 1880 (see also French edition)
[ex libris EPB & CWB CT 012.1; 36250; handwritten note "Coll. 25/7/30 C.C."]
58. Schliemann, Henri, Ilios. Ville et Pays des Troyens. Résultat des fouilles sur l’emplacement de Troie et des explorations aites en Troade de 1871 à 1882, Paris 1885
[ex libris EPB & CWB CT 012.1; 36326]; signed C. W. Blegen]
59. Schliemann, Heinrich, Orchomenos: Bericht über meine Ausgrabungen im Böotischen Orchomenos, Leipzig 1881
[ex libris EPB & CWB CH 31.1; 36327; signed C.W. Blegen]
60. Swindler, Mary Hamilton, Ancient Painting from the earliest times to the period of Christian art, New Haven Yale University Press 1929
[ex libris EPB & CWB JA 07; 36238]
61. Taylour, Lord William, The Mycenaeans, London 1964
[ex libris EPB & CWB]
62.1-8. Blegen, Carl W., John L. Caskey and Marion Rawson, Troy: excavations conducted by the University of Cincinnati, 1932-1938, Princeton University Press, 1950-1958 (I.2, II.1-2, III.1-2, IV.1-2)
[ex libris EPB & CWB CT 010; 36305, 36306 “9 Plutarch St.”, 36307, 36308 “9 Plutarch St.” and small clipping with review, 36309 “9 Plutarch St.”, 36310 “9 Plutarch St. 17 June [May] 1958”, 36311 “9 Plutarch St. 17 June 1958”]
63.1. Angel, Lawrence J., Troy. The Human Remains, Troy Supplementary Monograph 1, Princeton University Press, 1951
[ex libris EPB & CWB CT 010; 36314; signed C.W. Blegen]
63.2. Bellinger, Alfred R., Troy. The Coins, Troy Supplementary Monograph 2, Princeton University Press, 1961
[ex libris EPB & CWB CT 010; 36313]
63.3. Thompson, Dorothy Burr, Troy. The Terracotta Figurines of the Hellenistic Period, Troy Supplementary Monograph 3, Princeton University Press, 1963
[ex libris EPB & CWB CT 010; 36312]
64. Vermeule, Emily, Greece in the Bronze Age, The University of Chicago Press 1964 [ex libris EPB & CWB]
65. Walter, Otto, “Die Parthenonfundamente und das Delphische Orakel,” Anz. Ph. No 7 (1952), Wien
[ex libris EPB & CWB; “Herrn Blegen”]
66. Walton, Elijah & T.G. Bonney, The Coast of Norway from Christiania to Hammerfest, London 1871
67. Wood, J.T., Discoveries at Ephesus, London 1877
[ex libris EPB & CWB CT 081; 36247]
68. Wace, Alan J.B., A Cretan Statuette in the Fitzwilliam Museum. A study in Minoan costume, Cambridge University Press, 1927 [ASCSA Archives accession #2025_02]
[with dedication: "C.W. Blegen from the author, October 1927, signed AJBW"]
Box 35
1 Self-portraits
2 Elizabeth D. Blegen
3 Friends and Colleagues (including portaits of Sophia Schliemann, Phil Davis, Horace Oakley, Cyrus Ashton Sanborn, and Frederick de Waele)
4 Travels with Emerson Swift (1912-1915)
5 Island Trip (1923): Photos taken by Phil Davis, Elizabeth Pierce; Natalie Gifford; F[ranklin] P. J[ohnson]; L[eicester] B. H[olland]; Hazel Hansen.
6 Island Cruise (cont’d) [oversize]
7 Photo of a trail in a forest; various loose photos of sites or finds including a sketch of a boat in pencil.
Box 36
Blegen Family Photographs & Athens Memories Album (J. Glanagan)
Box 37
Troy (1964-65)
Box 38 (digitized)
Various trips (1913-1917, 1921); also consult photo records in Boxes 3 & 4.
Box 39 (digitized)
Various trips (1922-1925)
Box 40 (digitized)
Various trips (1936-1938, Epirus 1970 [Ph A N-31/0374-0379], no date)
Carl Blegen Papers at Cincinnati
When Blegen died in 1971 his archives were divided between Athens and Cincinnati, the majority in his house at Athens. In Cincinnati were notebooks and photographic albums from the University of Cincinnati excavations at Troy and miscellaneous other records that had been stored in Wilson Auditorium, where Blegen, Marion Rawson, and John L. Caskey shared an archaeological study.
Correspondence of importance for the history of the University of Cincinnati and of the Department of Classics was transferred to the central University of Cincinnati Archives (Archives and Rare Books) where it was inventoried. Other correspondence stayed in archaeological studies within the Department of Classics in the old University Library (renamed Blegen Library).
All correspondence was piece catalogued under the supervision of Jack Davis (2003-2007). Jennifer Glaubius was responsible for that in Archives and Rare Books, Sarah Lima that in the Department of Classics. We are grateful to Hüseyn Öztürk for help with letters in Turkish, Barbara Breitenberger for letters in German, and to Signe Barfoed for letters in Norwegian.
Requests for further infomation about documents in the University archives should be addressed to Kevin Grace, University Archivist.
Requests for materials in the Department of Classics should be directed to Carol Hershenson, who also oversees the Troy archive in Cincinnati, a collection of glass slides that includes original views of ethnographic interest, and a collection of color slides taken at the time of the Pylos excavation.
Carl W. Blegen Papers at the University of Cincinnati Archives
Carl W. Blegen Papers at the University of Cincinnati, Department of Classics, Archives
“Here Comes Carl W. Blegen with a Paper” Papers Delivered to The Literary Club,1942-1957
Note from Jack L. Davis, Professor of Classics at the University of Cincinnati and former Director of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens.