Affiliated Scholars

A number of students and leading scholars are associated with Corinth, many of whom are working on publication assignments made by the Director of the excavations.

Graduate and PhD Research on Corinthian Topics

Mr. Jeff Banks University of Cincinnati EH pottery
Ms. Katherine Fine Florida State University Neolithic pottery


Affiliated Scholars

Dr. Aileen Ajootian Roman statue bases, Captives Facade
Dr. Nancy Bookidis Terracotta sculpture, Lamps, Demeter Sanctuary
Dr. Ethne Barnes Human bones
Dr. Michael Boyd Remote sensing, Korakou
Dr. Amelia Brown Late Antique Corinth
Dr. Ann Brownlee Potters’ Quarter
Dr. Michael Dixon Borders
Dr. Jamieson Donati Corinth agora and Peloponnesian agoras
Ms. Rachele Dubbini Topography
Dr. Archibald Dunn Byzantine lead seals
Dr. Steven Friesen St. Paul in Corinth
Dr. Mark Hammond Roman Pottery from the Panayia Field
Mr. James Herbst Penteskouphia plaque site, Digital drawing and surveying
Dr. Christopher Hayward Limestone quarries, Kenchreai
Dr. Michael Ierardi Numismatics, Demeter
Dr. Sarah James Hellenistic Pottery from the Panayia Field
Dr. Sonia Klinger Demeter small finds
Dr. Carolyn Koehler Amphoras
Dr. Theodora Kopestonsky Terracotta figurines from the Kokkinovrysi shrine
Dr. Kostis Kourelis Byzantine urbanism
Dr. Peg Laird Augustales inscription
Dr. Mark Landon Water Supply
Dr. Susan Langdon Archaic figurines
Dr. John Lavezzi Neolithic and EH pottery
Dr. Mark Lawall Demeter Sanctuary Amphoras
Dr. Sarah Lepinski Panayia domus and Roman wall painting
Dr. Yannis Lolos Sikyonia, Borders
Dr. Evi Margaritis Domestication of the grape
Dr. Philippa Matheson Amphoras
Dr. Ian McPhee Classical pottery
Dr. Ben Millis Site Guide, Roman prosopography
Dr. Elizabeth Milliker Demeter stone sculpture
Dr. Melissa Morison Gymnasium pottery
Mr. Alexander Nagel Polychromy
Mr. Apostolos Papafotiou Lechaion Basilica
Mr. Andrew Patrick Physical, economic and human geography
Dr. Christopher Pfaff Late Apollo Temple
Dr. Elizabeth Pemberton ✝ Greek pottery
Dr. Eric Poehler Pierene Valley Project, Roman fountains and mosaics
Dr. Antonio Saez Romero Punic amphora building pottery
Dr. Katerina Rangou Eastern Mediterranean Economic Networks in the age of the Crusades
Dr. David Reese Demeter animal Bones
Dr. Robin Rhodes Early Apollo Temple and limestone architecture to 146 BC
Dr. Martha Risser Classical pottery
Dr. Betsey Robinson Pierene Valley Project, Roman fountains and mosaics
Dr. Arthur Rohn ✝ Temple E SE burial customs
Dr. David Romano Urban planning of the Roman colony
Dr. Susan Rotroff Blisterware
Dr. Guy Sanders Late Roman, Byzantine and modern pottery
Dr. Philip Sapirstein Archaic tiles and Corinthian Clays
Dr. David Scahill South Stoa Architecture
Dr. Paul Scotton Julian Basilica
Dr. Ruth Siddall Cements
Dr. Kathleen Slane Roman Pottery and tombs, pottery from the East of Theater excavations.
Dr. Lynn Snyder Animal Bones
Mr. Christopher Stackowicz Historiography of visual representation of Corinth
Dr. Lea Stirling Panayia field sculpture
Dr. Ron Stroud ✝ Prosopography, Demeter Sanctuary
Dr. Mary C. Sturgeon Gymnasium and Temple E sculpture
Dr. Ioulia Tzonou Late Helladic pottery, Korakou
Dr. Rossana Valente Byzantine Coarseware Pottery
Dr. Catherine deG. Vanderpool   . Roman portraiture
Dr. Mary Walbank Roman Tombs, Corinthian Greek Imperial coinage
Dr. Michael Walbank ✝ Late Antique funerary inscriptions
Dr. Harriet White Byzantine pottery, fabric and glazes
Dr. Charles K. Williams II Frankish Area, East of Theater excavations
Dr. Jim Wiseman Gymnasium excavations
Dr. Orestes Zervos Numismatics
Dr. Angela Ziskowski Corinthian identity