Ανασκαφικό Αρχείο Κολοφώνας
Collection Number: GR ASCSA ExcRec 005
Creator: Hetty Goldman
Date(s): 1922, 1925
Language(s): English
Summary: The excavation at Colophon was headed by Hetty Goldman and sponsored by ASCSA and the Fogg Art Museum of Harvard College (1922 and 1925). The first expedition in 1922 was directed by H. Goldman and Carl W. Blegen and was conducted while the area was under Greek administration. In 2015 new material was donated to the ASCSA Archives from the Department of Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology at Bryn Mawr College. The collection contains excavation notebooks and inventories, black and white photographs and negatives, architectural drawings and plans, lantern slides, research notes and correspondence.
Quantity: 0.70 linear meters of physical space and about 1GB of digital content
Information about Access: The collection is catalogued and available for research.
Cite as: Cite as: American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Excavation Records, Colophon Excavations Archive
Notes (1): The catalog was prepared by Leda Costaki in 2016.
Notes (2): See also AdmRec (e.g. excavation permit); Carl W. Blegen Papers; Bert H. Hill Papers (e.g., correspondence with Hetty Goldman); and Lucy Shoe Meritt Papers (for copies of letters from Benjamin Meritt letters to Elizabeth Kirkland).
For more information, please contact the Archives at:
The American School of Classical Studies at Athens
54 Souidias Street, Athens 106 76, Greece
Phone: 213 000 2400 (ext. 306)
Contact via E-mail
Series I: Excavation Records
Subseries I.1: Excavation Notebooks & Inventories
Box 1
Excavation Notebooks
1. H. Goldman (with loose negative and piece of paper at the back) - [digitized]
2. C. W. Blegen (fragile, cover and page37 torn, loose photograph C-23 of excavation with 4 workmen, empty negative pocket at the back) - [digitized]
3. L. G. Eldridge (with fold out general plan of Trench XII)- [digitized]
4. L. B. Holland (tholos tomb) - [digitized]
5. F. P. Johnson (cover is torn) - [digitized]
6. B. D. Meritt (cover is torn, fragile) - [digitized]
7. K. Scott [digitized]
8. E. Capps, Jr. (Cybele Sanctuary, 1925)- [digitized]
9. D. H. Cox (Asclepieion, 1925)- [digitized]
Notebooks with Inventories of Excavation Materials
10. Inventory of Sculpture, 1922
11. Inventory of Terracottas, 1922 (with loose index card)
12. Catalogue of Coins, 1922
13. Inventory of Miscellaneous Objects, 1922 (with loose list) [digitized]
14. Catalogue of Photographs, 1922 & 1925
Subseries I.2: Plans & Drawings
Note: Large size plans kept separately
Box 2
Architectural Drawings
Folder 1 [flat storage]
- 18 excavation plans 1:1000 (# 01-18) and multiple copies of combined plans on heavy paper (total: 7 large pieces # 19-25, not scanned) [digitized: Colophon_Plans_01, Colophon_Plans_02, Colophon_Plans_03, Colophon_Plans_04, Colophon_Plans_05, Colophon_Plans_06, Colophon_Plans_07, Colophon_Plans_08, Colophon_Plans_09, Colophon_Plans_010, Colophon_Plans_011, Colophon_Plans_012, Colophon_Plans_013, Colophon_Plans_014, Colophon_Plans_015, Colophon_Plans_016, Colophon_Plans_017, Colophon_Plans_ 018] [flat storage]
- 2 oversized drawings in pencil on tracing paper done possibly by Leicester B. Holland:
a) conjectural reconstruction of the Metroon (approximately 44.5 x 26.5 cm). Note: the drawing is in fragile condition (# 26) [digitized: Colophon_Plans_026] [flat storage]
b) conjectural reconstruction of the Metroon (approximately 35 x 92 cm) with handwritten notes. Note: the drawing is in fragile condition (# 27) [digitized: Colophon_Plans_027a, digitized: Colophon_Plans_027b, digitized: Colophon_Plans_027c; because the drawing is very long it was done in three scans] [flat storage]
Folder 2
- two "blueprint" copies of the state plan of the area of the Cybele Sanctuary (33.5 x 16 cm), negative and positive (# 28-29). According to Martin Gretscher (University of Vienna) the plan was most likely done by Dorothy Cox shortly after the 1925 excavation [scanned: Colophon_Plans_028a, Colophon_Plans_028b, Colophon_Plans_029; plan # 28 was done in two scans]
- plan of the building, done in pencil on tracing paper (28 x 21 cm) (used for copying the plan) (# 30) [scanned: Colophon_Plans_030]
Folder 3
Bath House:
- plan in pencil on tracing paper with handwritten notes and dated Nov. 2, 1925. Note: the drawing is torn and in fragile condition (# 31) [scanned: Colophon_Plans_031] [flat storage]
- plan in ink on tracing paper (25.5 x 29.5 cm) with notations in pencil [# 32] [scanned: Colophon_Plans_032]
- a small sized "blueprint" copy of the same plan (8.5 x 6.5 cm) (# 33)
- outline plan of the building (small size), done in pencil on tracing paper (20.5 x 11 cm), 1925 (used for copying the plan) (# 34) [scanned: Colophon_Plans_034]
- reconstruction of the Bath House, small sized architectural sketch in pencil (13 x 7.5 cm) (# 35) [scanned: Colophon_Plans_035]
Folder 4
North Wing of Stoa and Houses on the Point:
- a "blueprint" copy of the architectural plan (23 x 29.5 cm) published in Holland’s "Colophon," Hesperia XIII (1944) p. 104, fig. 10 (# 36) [scanned: Colophon_Plans_036]
Folder 5
The Stoa (N & W wings) and Houses behind:
- comprehensive plan of the area made by taping together copies of 5 individual plans (reduced size) (# 37) [scanned: Colophon_Plans_037]
Folder 6
- plan and section; pen and ink sketch on tracing paper, 1922 (published in Robert A. Bridges, Jr., "The Mycenaean Tholos Tomb at Kolophon," Hesperia XLIII (1974) pl. 52, right) (# 38) [scanned: Colophon_Plans_038]
Folder 7
Topographical Plans
2 large black and white negatives, topographical plans of the site of Colophon:
a) plan of the city site of “Kolophon” from C. Schuchhardt and P. Wolters (7.75 x 9.75 inches, 20 x 25 cm); this plan was used as the basis for the published plan in Hesperia (# 39) [2 scans, negative and positive: Colophon_Plans_039_pos, Colophon_Plans_039_neg]
b) plan of the city site of Colophon “from the plan of Schuchhardt and Wolters with revision of hill contours” (7.75 x 9.75 inches, 20 x 25 cm); the revised plan of the city site was published in Leicester Holland, "Colophon," Hesperia XIII (1944) p. 92-fig 1 (# 40) [2 scans, negative and positive: Colophon_Plans_040_pos, Colophon_Plans_040_neg]
Subseries I.3: Photographs, Lantern Slides & Negatives
Box 3
Black & white photographs
Folder 1
Excavation photographs:
C-1-C-10, C-16, C-17, C-19, C-22-C-23, C-25-C-33, C-35, C-38, C-40-C-44, C-47, C-49, C-50-C-53, C-55, C-56, C-62, C-64, C-67-C-72, C-78, C-79, C-83, C-84, C-87-C-94, C-97-C-99, C-102, C-107, C-110-C-114, C-116, C-117, C-119, C-121, C-134-C-136, C-139, C-141, C-144-C-148, C-150-C-160, C-162-C-164, C-166-C-168, C-170-C-176, C-179-C-185, C-187, C-189-C-199, C-203-C-205, C-207, C-213-C-224, C-228-C-231, C-234-C-236, C-259, C-260, C-268-C-273, C-279-C-281, C-285, C-287-C-291, C-358-C-361, C-374-C-380, C-388-C-391, C-393, no C-I, no C-VIII, no C-IX-no C-XI
Folder 2
Photographs of the Cybele Sanctuary:
C-45, C-46, C-65, C-66, C-77, C-80, C-85, C-86, C-100, C-101, C-104, C-106, C-122-C-132, C-161, C-165, C-177, C-178, C-186, C-201, C-206, C-225, C-232, C-244-C-257, C-261-C-263, C-265-C-267, C-271, C-272, C-274, C-275, C-277, C-278, C-284, C-286, C-292-C-357, C-362-C-373, C-381, C-383, C-384, C-386, C-392
Folder 3
Photographs of the Bath House:
C-24, C-115, C-188, C-208-C-211, C-226, C-227, C-237-C-243, C-270, C-276, C-282, C-283, C-382
Folder 4
Photographs by Leicester B. Holland:
Holland-1, Holland-2, Holland-3, Holland-4, Holland-5, Holland-6, Holland-7, Holland-8, Holland-9, Holland-10, Holland-11, Holland-12, Holland-13, Holland-14, Holland-15, Holland-16, Holland-17, Holland-18, Holland-19, Holland-20
Note: See here for a descriptive catalogue of photographs.
Box 4
Lantern Slides
52 lantern slides (some double copies, total: 65), mostly reproductions of black & white photographs:
1. Black and white photograph C-01: view from the ledge of rock between the peak of the acropolis and the main terrace, looking north, similar to C-93.
2. Black and white photograph C-35: workmen excavating walls and street (?).
3. Black and white photograph C-49: four excavation workmen, of which one is a boy.
4. Black and white photograph C-71: view of workmen excavating walls.
5. Black and white photograph C-73: view of two workmen standing by excavated walls.
6. Black and white photograph C-89: general view of the excavation on the acropolis with workmen and Hetty Goldman.
7. Black and white photograph C-90: general view of the “dump” on the hillside.
8. Black and white photograph C-93 and Holland-17 (2 slides): view from the ledge of rock between the peak of the acropolis and the main terrace, looking north (published in: Leicester B. Holland, “Colophon,” Hesperia 13 (1944) p. 96, fig. 3).
9. Black and white photograph C-106: view of a workman at the excavation of Colophon.
10. Black and white photograph C-113: two workers on either side of a stairway in private house.
11. Black and white photograph C-115: detail view of the Bath House on the acropolis of Colophon
12. Black and white photograph C-116: view of the excavation on the acropolis of Colophon with two men standing in the background.
13. Black and white photograph C-122 (2 slides): two workmen working at the mosaic of the “Aesclepion” near the Cybele Sanctuary of Colophon.
14. Black and white photograph C-124: Cybele Sanctuary, view of Tr. XII, apse from SW.
15. Black and white photograph C-131 (2 slides): view of the Cybele Sanctuary of Colophon; excavation workers at the sanctuary steps.
16. Black and white photograph C-136 (2 slides): detail view of a terracotta conduit in Trench a (published in: Leicester B. Holland, “Colophon,” Hesperia 13 (1944), p. 163, fig. 28).
17. Black and white photograph C-152: view of elderly workman sitting at the edge of “Grave IX”, i.e. the Mycenaean tholos tomb.
18. Black and white photograph C-163: view of Hetty Goldman sitting on the top of a tomb or acropolis walls?
19. Black and white photograph C-164 (2 slides): interior view of a chamber tomb.
20. Black and white photograph C-172: view of the south end of the West Wing of the Stoa on the acropolis of Colophon, looking northeast (published in: L.B. Holland, “Colophon,” Hesperia 13 (1944) p. 110, fig. 13).
21. Black and white photograph C-173 (2 slides): architectural remains, view to the northeast across the western terrace on the acropolis of Colophon, from the southwest corner of House II (published in: L.B. Holland, “Colophon,” Hesperia 13 (1944) p. 126, fig. 19).
22. Black and white photograph C-174: general view of architectural remains on the acropolis of Colophon.
23. Black and white photograph C-175: view of paved street D viewed from the north (published in: L.B. Holland, “Colophon,” Hesperia 13 (1944) p. 120, fig. 17).
24. Black and white photograph C-177: the excavation workers pose for a group photograph on the steps of the Cybele Sanctuary.
25. Black and white photograph C-178 (2 slides): view of the altar of the Cybele Sanctuary of Colophon.
26. Black and white photograph C-179 (2 slides): view of the street on the Point, looking south toward the north wing of the stoa (published in: L.B. Holland, “Colophon,” Hesperia 13 (1944) p. 159, fig. 27).
27. Black and white photograph C-181: view of a workman excavating grave E, Mound II.
28. Black and white photograph C-182 (2 slides): view of a trench cut through Mound I.
29. Black and white photograph C-184 (2 slides): general view of the acropolis and terraces of Colophon, the eastern side (published in: L.B. Holland, “Colophon,” Hesperia 13 (1944) fig. 7). It is a closer view of C-222.
30. Black and white photograph C-185: general view of the acropolis of Colophon, the eastern side (published in: L.B. Holland, “Colophon,” Hesperia 13 (1944) fig. 7).
31. Black and white photograph C-186: view of the Cybele Sanctuary (altar, mosaic floor) with workman standing on the left.
32. Black and white photograph C-187: view of Trench XVIII, the Bath House viewed from the east.
33. Black and white photograph C-188 (2 slides): view of the Bath House remains on the acropolis of Colophon, seen from the west.
34. Black and white photograph C-189: general view of the acropolis of Colophon.
35. Black and white photograph C-190 (2 slides): general view of Mound I seen from the south.
36. Black and white photograph C-224 (2 slides): view of the exterior of the southernmost angle of the fortification wall on the hilltop (published in: L. B. Holland, “Colophon,” Hesperia 13 (1944) p. 94, fig. 2).
37. Black and white photograph C-228: view of a large block with inscription.
38. Black and white photograph C-236: view of L.G. Eldridge as she stands next to the “Alexander” inscription at the find spot.
39. Black and white photograph Holland-5: view of the acropolis of Colophon from Necropolis Hill (published in: L. B. Holland, “Colophon,” Hesperia 13 (1944) p. 101, fig. 9).
40. Black and white photograph Holland-7: view of excavated building (Bath?) on the acropolis of Colophon and the valley in the distance.
41. Black and white photograph Holland-8: the steps of the Cybele Sanctuary at Colophon.
42. Black and white photograph Holland-9: view of Cybele Sanctuary at Colophon, walls of the apsidal building.
43. Black and white photograph Holland-14: view of paved street and remains of walls (probably Street D) (published in: L. B. Holland, “Colophon,” Hesperia 13 (1944) p. 119, fig. 16).
44. Black and white photograph Holland-19: view of the acropolis of Colophon from west.
45. Black and white photograph: distant view of the modern town of Deirmendere among the poplar trees and the excavation site in the foreground [no C-number].
46. Black and white photograph: human skeleton as excavated in grave [no C-number].
47. Black and white photograph: detail view of excavated blocks and possibly inscriptions [no C-number].
48. Black and white photograph: view of the landscape at Colophon (?), farmers’ fields.
49. Topographical plan of the site of “Kolophon” after C. Schuchhardt and P. Wolters.
50. Topographical plan of the region of Colophon from the publication of C. Schuchhardt (after Kiepert’s plan).
51. Plan of the West Wing of the Stoa and the houses to the W, Colophon. The lantern slide is cracked.
52. Section of the tholos tomb and sketch of tomb entry (“grave #2”) at Colophon. The drawings may have been done by Leicester B. Holland, who was the architect for the excavation; the drawings are not published; 35mm negative number is: A-6924. The original drawing is possibly lost.
Box 5
3 bound negative albums and loose negatives numbered C-1 to C-387:
1. Negative album “Colophon 1922”: photograph films C-1 to C-100 (3¼ x 5½ ), C-2 missing
2. Negative album “Colophon 1922”: photograph films C-101 to C-200 (3¼ x 5½ )
3. Negative album “Colophon 1922”: photograph films C-201 to C-300 (3¼ x 5½ )
- loose negatives: C-301-C-357, C-381, C-386, C-387 (3¼ x 5½ )
- loose negatives of smaller format: C-358-C-381 (1.7 x 2.7 inches)
Note: negatives for photographs C-388 and C-389 were missing already in 1941.
Series II: Study & Publications
Box 6
Folder 1
Cybele Sanctuary
-- "The Precinct of Cybele": 4 typed pages of a paper edited and annotated with sketches and notes in pencil; the author is not given, but may be Dorothy Cox after the 1925 campaign [digitized by BMC]
-- preliminary version of the four-page typed paper titled "The Precinct of Cybele", 6 pages; a mixture of typed and handwritten text with sketches; the author is not given, but may be Dorothy Cox after the 1925 campaign, original and xerox copy [digitized by BMC]
-- 11 pages of research notes (various sizes of paper), a mix of typed and handwritten notes with sketches [digitized by BMC]
--19 pages of research notes mostly on Cybele, a mix of typed and handwritten notes with sketches [digitized by BMC]
-- research note quoting A. Mau, Pompeii in Leben und Kunst (1900), p. 174 written on the back of an advertisement for a position at the Library of Congress, in 1941 (The advertisement was with the architectural drawings and plans.) [digitized bt BMC]
- "Graves information": typed transcript (9 pages) extracted from the 1922 excavation notebook of Hetty Goldman [digitized by BMC]
- "Blegen's notebook - Graves information - 1922": typed transcript (17 pages) extracted from the 1922 excavation notebook of Carl W. Blegen [digitized by BMC]
- summary report on the coins found in the excavation of Colophon in 1922 (6 pages), dated Jan. 2, 1925 (Athens); the report is not signed, but the author is possibly Dorothy Cox; 2 copies of the same typed text [copy 1 and copy 2]